In relation to the Saturday Bar Council Forum which was “beheaded” from the onset.
GAMPANG, BIADAB, SETAN, BANGSAT ….. these are most befitting words for those members in the Bar Council who still insist that “the decision to hold Saturday's forum was right because it was timely and important to address a very problematic issue”.
TWISTED TOUNGUES, BASTARDS, IRRESPONSIBLE……for those who are “arguing that the protest was a reflection of a competition among three Malay-based parties — Pas, Umno and Parti Keadilan Rakyat”
As far as I To am concern, those Malay Muslim leaders from PAS, UMNO and PKR have full support from the bulk of the dominant silent majority. Thus, what’s the point of bring out such perception unless their twisted tongues are unable to accept the truth that their kind of forum and deliberations are never wanted in this country without paying a hefty price; social chaos.
Of Course, the likes of LKS and Malaysian Malaysia will definitely hissed out their despair as they cry seeing their desperate reinstituting Article 121(1A) withering. I have nothing to advice such people because they will never change, they are like that perpetually; our worlds are so far apart.
These people will never learn, will never accept the fact that what they are dwelling are very sensitive issues which disturbs peace of the majority, they insist that the minority rule prevails. Thus I see no other choice that should they still persists with their stubbornness and put to peril the peace and harmony of the country, they should be slapped with the ISA the soonest. The Bar Council should take the necessary recourse to change the President and hard headed human rights members. And of course, the defacto law minister Zaid Ibrahim should immediately tender his resignation.
Lawyer Malik Imtiaz Sarwar who said "For me, the 300 protesters who were outside protesting do not represent the majority Muslims or Islam."
I beg his pardon, has he not learnt yet from the rejection of his proposal for the Interfaith Commission which was “excreted” on by PM and the Muslim community. Who the fxxx does he think he is when even the pro-reform PM has comment his rejection while the populist defacto law minister’s tongue is completely tied up this time round.
To my Sisters in Islam, please understand the Brotherhood of Muslims, under the UMMAH. Perhaps get some revealing and valuable lessons from your fellow Muslims in London vis-à-vis the Islamic fraternity under Yusof Islam who have immense knowledge of such predicaments in UK and elsewhere. Do not be carried away by your worldly ideals and of a small minority interest at the expense of the greater majority. Equality has many dimensions and being human not all of us can see the light which is sacred to the All Omnipotent.
However, to my minority fellow Muslims who refuse to agree with the protest, I refer them to surah Al – Kafirun as a reminder.
Surah 109. The Disbelievers, Atheists (
1. Say: O ye that reject Faith!
2. I worship not that which ye worship,
3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6. To you be your Way, and to me mine.
Background of Surah
This surah was not revealed to preach religious tolerance as some people of today seem to think, but it was revealed in order to exonerate the Muslims from the disbelievers religion, their rites of worship, and their gods, and to express their total disgust and unconcern with them and to tell them that Islam and kufr (unbelief) had nothing in common and there was no possibility of their being combined and mixed into one entity.
Although it was addressed in the beginning to the disbelieving Quraish in response to their proposals of compromise, yet it is not confined to them only, but having made it a part of the Quran, Allah gave the Muslims the eternal teaching that they should exonerate themselves by word and deed from the creed of kufr wherever and in whatever form it be, and should declare without any reservation that they cannot make any compromise with the disbelievers in the matter of Faith. That is why this Surah continued to be recited when the people to whom it was addressed as a rejoinder, had died and been forgotten, and those Muslims also continued to recite it who were disbelievers at the time it was revealed, and the Muslims still recite it centuries after they have passed away, for expression of disgust with and dissociation from kufr and its rites is a perpetual demand of Faith.
The King, his family and U
1 month ago
Do you know what the forum was about? Seriously.
sedapnya panggil orang GAMPANG, BIADAB, SETAN, BANGSAT, TWISTED TOUNGUES, BASTARDS, IRRESPONSIBLE... sedangkan jelas sekali Awak TIDAK TAHU apakah sebenarnya yang dibincangkan di Forum hari tu.
Forum tersebut LANGSUNG TIDAK
- menghina Islam
- mempersoalkan hak orang Islam
- mempertikaikan peruntukkan Perlembagaan Persekutuan
- menyebut pasal hak orang Melayu
- menyebut pasal UMNO
- mempersoalkan hak orang yang masuk Islam
Ia sekadar membincangkan perkembangan undang-undang dalam hal ini dan apa berlaku kepada bekas2 Isteri setelah suami mereka masuk Islam tetapi langsung tidak menunaikan tanggungjawabnya, seperti tidak memberi nafkah sbg. Tuan tahukah petapa ramainya kes begini? Kalau berlaku kepada Awak macam mana? Bagaimanakah mereka dapat menuntut dari si bekas suami yang tidak bertanggungjawab ini? Yang lebih merumitkan apabila seseorang itu bertukar agama tanpa memberitahu sesiapapun, kemudiannya dia meninggal, dan tiba2 harta benda isteri/ibubapa yang bersangkut paut dgn namanya menjadi bercelaru.
Bagi saya, orang yang sebenarnya GAMPANG, BIADAB, SETAN, BANGSAT, TWISTED TOUNGUES, BASTARDS, IRRESPONSIBLE adalah mereka yang MEMFITNAH orang lain melakukan sesuatu seperti Awak, kemudiannya meminta orang dihukum, sedangkan Awak tidakpun tahu apakah orang itu telah melaku kesalahan.
Bagi saya, itu sebenarnya tindakan orang BUKAN ISLAM dan Munafik!
Jangan mudah terikut2 dengan mulut orang politik yang mencari peluang untuk menaik-naikkan nama sendiri tanpa mengira siapa yang menjadi mangsa. DIA NI NAK NAMPAK SEBAGAI CHAMPION, SBB DIA DAH TAHU KALO SEBUT BAB AGAMA ORANG AKAN DENGAR. Jangan mudah diperalatkan untuk niat sebegini. Sekiranya Awak ikut sama, maknanya Awak turut bersekongkol dan bersubahat bersama MEMFITNAH orang lain.
Siasat dahulu sebelum menuduh membabi buta.
I seriously think you need help in a mental institution. You describe yourself as somebody who is educated and learned but obviously you are not. Your language shows you have been brought up badly and if you say you are very islamic, then the religion is not doing you any good as your writings shows. If you are an example of what a muslim is, I feel sorry to whoever wants to be associated to it.
Saya tak percaya Tuhan saya mintak saya bergaduh dengan orang dari agama lain, walau pun mereka kafir.
Tuhan yang saya sembah maha pengasih, penyayang, pengampun.
Tuhan yang saya sembah mintak saya paling menghormati jiran saya tanpa memberi syarat bahawa jiran itu mesti orang Islam. Tuhan yang saya sembah menjanjikan syurga kepada seorang pelacur yang memberi seekor anjing minum atas tapak tangan, kerana keikhlasannya.
Saya tidak pasti sama ada Tuhan yang saya sembah sama dgn Tuhan yang awak sembah.
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