1 Desperate RPK?
I am most happy when Muslims quote the ayat Quran and hadith in explaining the wonderful way of life called Islam, even by people like RPK or his champion horse, DSAI who seem to be an icon that can do no sin.
But when people like RPK quotes 2 verses of the Quran (Surah 3. Al ‘Imran, Verse 61 and Surah 24. An-Nur) and an authentic hadith on Aishah in his desperate attempt to put forward his point in advocating the innocence of DSAI and then said in his posting “Trust not these religious people. Many are fakes and phoneys. The Quran says these people will sell their religion for money. This is not what I say. This is what the Quran says. And would the Quran lie?”, my goose pimples rise, my blood boils and wish that we would back in the early days of Islam so that such narrow minded people could answer for their selfish infidelity and evil mindedness. But then again, such indecency and falsehood persistently demonstrated by RPK has been around since time in memorial and going back in time would be meaningless.
2. RPK’s Right of Speech?
RPK heavily relies on the universal human rights declaration (right to free speech) to pacify his ardent supporters to his blog.
An early emphasis on freedom of speech during the Islamic Golden Age was first declared by the Caliph Umar in the 7th century. Later during the Abbasid period, freedom of speech was also declared by al-Hashimi, a cousin of caliph Al-Ma'mun (786–833), in the following letter to a religious opponent.
"Bring forward all the arguments you wish and say whatever you please and speak your mind freely. Now that you are safe and free to say whatever you please appoint some arbitrator who will impartially judge between us and lean only towards the truth and be free from the empery of passion, and that arbitrator shall be Reason, whereby God makes us responsible for our own rewards and punishments. Herein I have dealt justly with you and have given you full security and am ready to accept whatever decision Reason may give for me or against me. For "There is no compulsion in religion" (Qur'an 2:256) and I have only invited you to accept our faith willingly and of your own accord and have pointed out the hideousness of your present belief. Peace be with you and the blessings of God!”
Hence where do we place RPK (and the funders of his blog who think they have religious credentials to do so) in respect of our way of life in resolving contentious issues of critical importance to our UMMAH. RPK is far way off the mark from seeking the truth.
3. The Issue Before Us.
RPK’s latest posting on an SD by Thagarajoo, Nallakaruppan’s one-time driver, under title of “Najib: Muslim by birth, Hindu by practice”, to many is another attempt to discredit Najib and his sumpah laknat about his involvement with Atlantuya.
In the Quran, Muslims have been told be wary about suspect sources of information coming from unbelievers like Thagarajoo and we are all aware of RPK’s blind loyalty (for the greenback?) to DSAI and out right desperation to take down Najib at all cost.
Who is RPK to ask the Muslim masses to discard those who have more authority on matters of our religion and issues pertaining to the UMMAH?
We have to admit that RPK, like many other ordinary Muslims, has no local standi to advance his personal thoughts on religious subject matters and calling those religious people as fakes and phonies, starkly speak most ugly of RPK’s heinous character.
RPK associates himself so closely with DSAI’s political ambitions and personal actions; that rot in RPK is doing more harm than good to DSAI. One also wonders why the PAS leadership and their so call ulamas (whose authority on Islam maybe found lacking in many instances mired with political ambitions and power) are supporting DSAI and RPK. Definitely RPK has not been righteous to the UMMAH in most of his postings and in his writing, he apparently seems least afraid of Allah’s final judgment.
I am sure PAS is most aware what kafir and mengkafir is all about (the more so in RPK’s misuse of SD of unacceptable Islamic characters) and the dangers that DSAI being perceived tool of the US administration. Has PAS been dirtied with money or power in supporting indirectly the disunity among the UMMAH that they dare not speak out on the stark indecencies and unethically Islamic brought out via RPK’s postings and actions especially when Islam and its ethics are concern? Are there those in PAS who support such acts by RPK?
Now observe RPK’s statements extracted from his posting;
“The Quran has warned us about such people. ‘Religious people’ since time immemorial have been exploiting and distorting religion for monetary gain as well as to attain power. Religious people are very dangerous. They know they have the confidence of the majority of the people who are not only simple-minded but place great trust on people perceived as ‘men of God’.This is not only a problem in Islam but in all religions as well. Trust not these religious people. Many are fakes and phoneys. The Quran says these people will sell their religion for money. This is not what I say. This is what the Quran says. And would the Quran lie when the Quran is regarded by Muslims as the word of God?”
I would believe many “religious” people and true aspirants, who regard Islam as the final complete way of life, would shake their head and ask RPK to mengucapkan again; its more than just “the pot calling the kettle black”, what kind of Muslim do we call RPK? And what speaks of DSAI if he does not halt such derogatory actions by RPK?
I am hopeful that the Malay voters in Permatang Pauh would caste their voting based on the best attributes and characters of the candidates and not be fooled by a blasphemous character like RPK. I am also hopeful that PAS members from within and outside the PP community will reflect and do the same in the greater interest of our UMMAH.
Set out below certain short extracts from the internet sufficient to demonstrate that RPK and those people like him care little on the sanctity of the Quran and Islamic jurisprudence, a wonderful realm of knowledge beyond RPK’s comprehension. In Islam, knowledge is action but I am certain by his action, RPK cares not the value of knowledge. Instead, RPK makes a mockery of himself; he is a SHAM of the highest degree.
4. Background of our syaria and interpretations of the Quranic verses
“There is no strictly static set of laws of sharia. Sharia is more of a system of how law ought to serve humanity, a consensus of the unified spirit, based on the Qur'an (the religious text of Islam), hadith (sayings and doings of Muhammad and his companions), Ijma (consensus), Qiyas (reasoning by analogy) and centuries of debate, interpretation and precedent.”
In Malaysia, where most of us Muslims belong to the shafii school:
“In Imami-Shi'i law, the sources of law (usul al-fiqh) are the Qur'an, anecdotes of Muhammad's practices and those of the 12 Imams, and the intellect (aql). The practices called Sharia today, however, also have roots in local customs (al-urf).
“At the heart of Islamic law lies the teachings of God and the acts and sayings of His Prophet, Muhammad;[12] therefore, sharia, Islamic law, is founded on the Qur'an and the Sunnah. However, sharia was not fully developed at the time of Muhammad's death, but rather it evolved around the Muslim community or Ummah through which it would serve”
“However, people do not change overnight nor do their habits of everyday life – sharia was indeed guided through its development by lifestyles of the tribes in which was initially absorbed into Islam.”
“After the death of Muhammad sharia continued to undergo fundamental changes, beginning with the reigns of caliphs Abu Bakr (632-34) and Umar (634-44) in which many decision making matters were brought to the attention of the Prophet's closest comrades for consultation.[17] In AD 662, during the reign of Mu'awiya b. Abu Sufyan, life ceased to be nomadic and undertook an urban transformation which in turn created matters not originally covered by Islamic law.[17] Each and every gain, loss, and turn of Islamic society has played an active role in developing sharia which branches out into fiqh and Qanun respectively.
5. Tafsir or Interpretation of the Quran.
Muslims believe that it is prohibited to perform Qur'anic interpretation using solely one's own opinion. This, they base on an authenticated hadith of Muhammad which states that it is prohibited.
Imam al-Ghazali (qs), how-ever, qualifies this tradition, with the following under-standing, "The truth is that prophetic Traditions (akhbar) and statements of the Prophet's companions and of other pious Muslims in early Islam (athar) prove that for men of understanding there is wide scope in the meanings of the Qur'an. Thus 'Ali (may God be pleased with him!) said, "except that God bestows understanding of the Qur'an upon a man." If there is no meaning other than that which is related [from Ibn 'Abbas and other exegetes] what is that understanding of the Qur'an [which is bestowed upon a man]? The Prophet (may God bless him and greet him) said, "Surely the Qur'an has an outward aspect, an inward aspect, a limit and a prelude." This is also related. by Ibn Mas'ud on his own authority and he is one of the scholars of Qur'anic interpretation. [If there are no meanings of the Qur'an besides the outward ones], what is the meaning of its outward aspect, inward aspect, limit and prelude? 'Ali (may God show regard to his face!) said, "If I so will I can certainly load seventy camels with the exegesis of the Opening Sura of the Book." What then is the meaning of this statement of 'Ali, when the outward exegesis of this sura is extremely short us [and can be set forth in a few pages]? Abu Darda' said, "One cannot [fully] understand the religion until one sees the Qur'an from different perspectives." A certain religious scholar said, "For every Qur'anic verse there are sixty thousand understandings [comprehensible to man]. The understandings of it which remain [incomprehensible to man] are even more than these in number." [1]
The Qur'an, the utmost authority on Islam asserts that the word was sent to all of mankind and it is up to the whole of mankind to receive it and sincerely ponder upon its meaning. Islam acknowledges no "clergy" nor monopolisation of "The Word of Allah (swt) i.e God", Islam only acknowledges the "knowledgeable" ones from among a community of people, the "Ulama" or scholars if they are known and famous for their Islamic correct faith. In the Qur'an, Allah i.e. God exhorts mankind to "think" and "ponder" and "realise" for themselves, thereby awakening true belief inside each and every human being.
[1] The Recitation and Interpretation of the Qur'an: Al-Ghazali's Theory by Muhammad Abul Quasem Univ of Mayala Press, Malaysia, CHAPTER FOUR, UNDERSTANDING THE QUR'AN, AND ITS EXPLANATION BY PERSONAL OPINION WHICH HAS NOT COME DOWN BY TRADITION
The King, his family and U
1 month ago
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