I understand the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states as follows:
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association”
That’s where Suhakam comes from and has voiced its grave concern about the Home Ministry withdrawing the Herald’s license because of the editor’s write up on the Permatang Pauh by election; supposedly Suhakam believes the Herald has every right to do so.
I disagree with Suhakam and the other human rights organisations which support the Herald’s recent publication. There is presently too much confusion, musings, frustrations, anxiety etc perpetuated from sensitive communal issues in connection with the Social Contract, the word Allah, Malay Rights and Islamic Issues etc. The court case surrounding the word Allah is being intervened by 8 State Religious Council and yet to be resolved. The Sultans have come out informing the Rakyat not to dwell into sensitive religious issues. Overall, irrespective whether there is any truth, the Muslims are obviously suspicious of certain Non-Muslim groups seen presently attempting to interfere into the affairs of the Muslim religion and race, adversely affecting the status quo.
The Catholic Church, as a religious institution, should be aware of all these sensitiveness. As the Herald is a religious publication, the institution should rightfully focus on Christianity issues rather than dwell on that particular politically sensitive by election of Permatang Pauh. What is so important on this particular political write up compared to the religious messages the Gerald would normally propagate if the publication is jammed? It would be the solemn duty of any religious institution not to entangle in political issues especially so in light of ita ongoing case in court. For sure, even if the regulatory authorities have misread its intention of the “innocent” political write up, blowing up the issue would not be to the interest of fellow Christians.
But if the Catholic Church still insists on its rights to publicise such issue, then for the best interest of the greater community, I would say “Free the License and be done with it”.
The King, his family and U
1 month ago
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