Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Anybody with experience going to specialists’ doctors for examination would know the difference; the GP’s medical expertise and check up is limited. Those who watch CSI would already sense the difference – the details required. More so when one needs to get a medical report for certain additional purposes say a legal suit or for lodging a police complain whereby the report has to be most extensive and credible to stand in court. I assisted someone recently at HKL and it was a long and detail process. I recently helped my daughter with one at HKL; it was a long and detail process.

RPK has been threading on very dangerous grounds, putting his reputation (as well as bloggers) to rock bottom after his “fiasco” in the statutory declarations, video confession and now this; he interpreted the medical notes as if he was there well versed in sodomy examination. Going through some of his articles in Malaysia To-day, he appears so desperate, vindictive, vulgar, uncanny in twisting facts and realities, very much like the character of ‘the Joker” in the Batman latest movie; he really sucks.

Let us be patient and let the Police do their job. Do not press them; in fact the protraction of the police investigation (due to not leaving any stones uncovered), has already demonstrated that DSAI has not changed a wee bit as well as the changing colours of those who believe or don’t believe that the sodomy could have taken place.

Certain important people, because of their vested interest (not national interest) are impatient and have already “pre-ejaculated” before reaching the climax (completion of police investigation). They desperately sought using the American way of justice – trial by media just based on a GP medical notes making these so called political intellectuals look so damn stupid; Ambiga, LKS, Kapal Singh, the Man himself and his wife as well as a host of his ardent (PKR) worshippers including RPK. Of course there are the representatives of the Dajjal (US administration and UN bodies like the IMF and World Bank) just smiling, waiting for the opportunity to pounce again. Such a pity for some of these people, telling the Ministers and others to refrain from making “prejudice” statements so as to let the police do their job while boasting about respecting the rule of law but they themselves “pre-ejaculate” as they shit at the fan in wanting to justify a people’s court.

An interesting development was the disclosure that DSAI and Dr Osman Hamid are known to each other since RISEAP (Regional Islamic Da'wah Council of South East Asia and the Pacific (RISEAP) days. Is this the link to the release of the Pusrawi medical notes made public and fabricated by RPK for his hearsay ecstasies to save his boss who has been “condemn” never to become PM of this country?

If Dr Osman is found guilty of professional misconduct in releasing the said medical note, he should be eventually sent back to Burma. It reminded me of my early days in the bank when once I was very sick and went to see a doctor under the bank’s panel which was a few doors away from the office. Upon examination after hearing my complaints, the doctor gave me some medicine. I asked for a day off and instead of being compassionate and understanding, the doctor, a GP locum from India, scolded me and refused to give me a medical leave. I went back to office and excuse myself without the MC. That night it was hell for me, my body was burning hot and red spots appeared all over my body; I was screaming in pain as though death was approaching. The next morning, I went to see my family doctor and he requested that I go to a specialist hospital. So I did and was diagnosed and admitted for measles. I was then in my early 30’s. I wrote a nasty letter to the clinic and soon the principal doctor called me up at home apologising. Soon thereafter the locum doctor called up and asked for forgiveness otherwise he would be sacked. I didn’t give a damned. Later I was told by my office that he was quite a drinker.

DSAI must be panting, having run around some parts of the country to defend himself against the charge by Saiful. It’s a pity but then DSAI took upon himself in denying the integrity of the local institutions while not cooperating in the police investigations. The Rakyat is able to judge for themselves every of DSAI’s actions and commentaries on his constant denials. DSAI also must be aware that his time is almost up and that the Police and the AG’s office must be ready to come out with the charges and arrest him soon enough.

In the previous case, evidence was clear the derogatory sexual act was his way of life but insufficient to charge him on technical grounds. Should the Police subsequently precede to an arrest the Man for a new sodomy charge, I am sure there would be a mob protecting him. What if the Man doesn’t want to give himself up to be arrested? For sure, the Man wants to make a small issue big in attracting much public including foreign media attention crying wolf as usual, will our men in blue be allowed do the job in balaclavas or should we call in the Army with their armoured personnel carriers, tanks and machine gun to do a quick and clean sweep? A new charge on a sin so cursed in our Quran doesn’t necessitate giving the Man the respect he deserves!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


1. PAS and UMNO, two prominent Malay Muslim parties with some minor difference in acumen, should NOT be dissolved to be eventually merged into one new party.

2. Although an ardent supporter of UMNO/ BN, I always have high respect for PAS as an opposition party; PAS serves to check on UMNO in respect of the Malay race and Islam. Inversely UMNO could play a similar role. This is simply a risk management already in place for the UMMAH. We will loose the check and balance if the merger is effected.

We are seeing today how a weak and incompetent leader, not wanted by the masses, is playing money politics, divide and rule, nepotism and cronyism, political corruption and falsehood to stay in power. If this destructive root is not decimated soon, the UMMAH will be continually weakened.

The thought of a merger between PAS and UMNO is like heresy to me; a potentially much larger danger lurks in the long term. It is happening in UMNO and it could also happen under a merged entity. The existing external system of check and balance (of two seperate parties) is crucial to safeguard the interest of the UMMAH.

3. In safeguarding race and religion, the form should not take precedence over substance; although the party provides a collective means to achieve certain objectives. In Islam as our way of life, we are each directly responsible for our individual deeds and sins to be judged eternally in the Hereafter; no one, nobody or party intercedes on behalf for our sins. In this temporary abode called Malaysia, each of us has our duties and responsibilities to our religion, our UMMAH and non-Muslims.

4. In the event of threats to our race and believes, as Malays and as Muslims, we must collectively and individually come to the defence. In this era of the Dajjal (as the world system under direct and indirect hegemony of the US and UN), the world order has become upside down, with full of deceit, lies, fabrication, chaos, lust for worldly gains and desires/ pleasures (unlimited freedom) etc which we sometimes forget, tricked and slipped due to the thin thread separating falsehood and truth.

Thus, let us keep focus on the present main threats to our UMMAH and righteously we must take on:
· PM – he is directly responsible for much of the problems facing the unity of the UMMAH. He has, as his endeavours liberal and democratic reforms which will result in much damage to our race and religion, especially so if unchecked. As a first step towards peace and stability in our country, he has to go.

· DSAI – the protégé of the Dajjal. A sodomite cannot become a leader of the UMMAH. Allah forbids! DSAI has created much chaos in this beloved country with his deceits.

· The DAP, the chauvinist party promoting Malaysian Malaysia with its dire ambitions to create a new DNA based on the principles of the Dajjal- the human rights principles of the UN and US – everybody is equal without borders.

How can the UMMAH accept the DAP which welcomed the US and western powers unwavering support of DSAI. To the US and UN, sodomy re homosexuality is permitted as a “right of privacy” while we Muslims condemn the derogatory act. In Malaysia, the penalty is a maximum 20 years while Allah’s punishment is unforgivable and eternity; the Federal Court of Appeal has evidence that indeed DSAI has committed those acts while the DAP and their allies refused to acknowledge such evidence in their quest for worldly gains.

· The Bar Council and the other human rights activists, some of them Muslims are like their Dajjal protégé being visiting professors to US universities, are adamant to change Malaysia’s rule of law.

· Last but not least, the representatives of the US and UN bodies with the influential foreign press media.

UMNO and PAS are duty bound to collaborate in confronting the many challenges and threats facing the race and religion of the Malays. Keep focus in taking PM and DSAI out of the Malaysian political equation and not be carried away with the unbeneficial talks regarding a merger.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


It has been reported in the newspapers (Utusan Malaysia 24 July 2004) that on 23 July 2008 that Majlis Agama Islam Melaka (MAIM) has put in its application to intervene in this case. MAIM becomes the 7th Islamic religious council to join in the fray.

MAIM’s application was filed in by its solicitors, Messrs Tetuan Adil & Co. supported by an affidavit by its Secretary.


1. Politik perkauman (racial based politics) yang dipraktikkan di Negara selama ini telah berjaya membawa Negara ke kemuncak kemewahan dalam suasana aman dan sejahtera. UMNO dengan Ketuanan Melayu telah berjaya membimbing kerajaan di bawah Barisan Nasional di mana parti-parti utamanya diwakili kaum-kaum mereka sendiri di dalam satu perkongsian kuasa yang berlandaskan undang-undang yang sudah diterima (accepted rule of law) dan berasaskan penerimaan Kontrak Sosial yang sedia ada.

2. Olih kerana “kebijaksanaan” PM, melalui banyak protest vote terhadap PM, BN telah kehilangan kuasa di mana 5 negeri dan WPKL telah jatuh ke tangan pembangkang dan majoriti di parlimen kurang daripada 2/3. Justeru di negeri-negeri di bawah pentadbiran Pakatan Rakyat, DAP dengan slogan “Malaysian Malaysia” dan PKR dengan “Kedaulatan Rakyat” mencabar hak-hak istimewa Melayu di bawah Dasar Ekonomi Baru dan kebebasan ugama lain juga diutamakan. Pihak PKR dan DAP juga disokong oleh mereka yang menyokong prinsip-prinsip hak asasi manusia yang kononnya mengikut landasan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (yang mengikut telunjuk Amerika Syarikat dan kuasa-kuasa barat) seperti Majlis Peguam Malaysia dan juga mereka yang berfahaman sosialis yang radikal. Kerana kelemahan pentadbiran PM, keadaan politik, sosial dan ekonomi Negara amat tidak stabil, tonggang terbalik sehingga pelabur asing pun lari daripada Malaysia. Nota: pelabur asing melabur di Malaysia selama ini kerana politiknya yang stabil.

3. Sekiranya PAS dan UMNO dapat berkerjasama di negeri-negeri di bawah Pakatan Rakyat dalam isu-isu yang berkenaan, ia merupakan seperti keadaan politik dipulih sedia ada sebelum GE12 dimana Ketuanan Melayu diutamakan dan pada hakikatnya politik perkauman kembali berkauasa. Olih yang demikian, tiada sebab rakyat bukan Melayu atau penganut bukan Islam harus takut atau was-was dengan perpaduan Melayu dan Islam yang sedang dibicarakan antara UMNO dan PAS. Yang utama, keamanan dan kestabilan politik akan pulih kembali dan ekonomi sedia diperkukuhkan.

4. Tapi ada masaalah besar – PM tidak sepatutnya mengetuai pihak UMNO di dalam perbincangan tersebut kerana beliau berkepentingan; perkara ini tidak perlu kalau tidak kerana kesilapan dan kelemahan kepimpinan beliau yang amat ketara. PM (dan anak menantunya) tidak harus masuk campur dan beri laluan kepada pemimpin-pemimpin lain untuk mengendali bagi pihak UMNO; muzakarah ini juga bukan daripada ilham PM. Ikutlah contoh PAS di mana Pengerusinya Nik Aziz tidak termasuk bersama di dalam perbincangan tersebut. Juga sekiranya PM terus berkuasa, menafaat daripada kerjasama ini akn kurang berkesan.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Please do not expect foreign interference in supporting DSAI to listen to our local view, we can shout and scream like in Hell Boy 2 but these foreign buggers would never listen. Even if anyone is able to produce an original video with pictures and sounds showing DSAI buggering, they won’t care a shit for the following reasons:

1 DSAI is their stooge and they have invested heavily on him to do their dirty work vis- a-vis to spread their propaganda and falsehood to the Muslim world in the name of greater freedom and liberty. He has been groomed to be the likes of the Kemal Ataturk, to bring secularism etc in decaying Islamic revivalism worldwide. This is his lead role as Chairman of the Foundation of the Future and in association with the US administration – promoting liberal Islam?

2 Since 1994 the United Nations Human Rights Committee has also ruled that such laws violated the right to privacy guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Most international human rights organizations, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, condemn laws that make homosexual relations between consenting adults a crime.

Thus international human rights groups can expect their local affiliates and associates to fully support against the rule of law in Malaysia which stipulates a maximum 20 year sentence on sodomy. Likewise the organisations linked to the UN and US like the World Bank and the IMF which have also in their agenda to barbarically rape our nation’s wealth.\.

So the clear link of the Bar Council in this matter and the human rights vocalism from the Opposition parties as well as certain NGOs in the country. Have we heard the Opposition and such local human rights groups commenting adversely on such interference? They seem to have almost forgotten about Allah’s decrees, commandments, warnings and punishment on sodomy/ homosexuality as told in the Qur’an in the story of Prophet Lot. God forgive me but it is apparent these people have SOLD THEIR SOULS TO THE DEVIL for worldly gains and falsehood and yet they refuse to deny or even sense it;

3 On June 26, 2003, the US Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision struck down the Texas same-sex sodomy law, ruling that this private sexual conduct is protected by the liberty rights implicit in the due process clause of the United States Constitution. (See Lawrence v. Texas.). Thus the US’ rule of law and ours are different and the US always believes that theirs is superior to Allah’s and don’t give a damn about ours; their despicable action speaks louder than words.

Such disgusting firm support from Paul Martin, ex-World Bank chief James Wolfensohn, and Michel Camdessus, the former head of the International Monetary Fund are only but expected. Similarly US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice when she clearly poked in her ugly nose in rejecting and claiming that DSAI’s sodomy case is not an internal affair of our beloved country Malaysia – a crime being investigated under Malaysian jurisdiction by a Malaysian citizen; is this not an irrational and unprejudiced statement or treachery of the Malaysian Opposition for not being disquiet?

4 And what of foreign supposedly renowned Muslim scholars who have come forth supporting DSAI? What’s so big special about them when there are those among them who might not be aware of the real/ full story or under the payroll of the US State Department or even practicing liberalism rejected by fundamentalist Islam re Kemal Ataturk style as in Turkey where sodomy has been legal for years and where in Istambul thrives a small but active society of homosexuals.

We have to be steadfast and patient for Patience is half of Faith and the Truth will definitely prevail while we let the Malaysian Police proceed with their investigation; we must continue voicing and rejecting these alien interferences.

The more the foreign buggers interfere, the more the Rakyat especially the Muslims and true Malaysians will reject them and DSAI’s predicament will be buggered up and compromised. Such precedence can be seen when the Americans and their associates have and are still interfering in the affairs of the locals and the locals rejected them re Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, other middle east counties and many other countries say in the war on terror, the traitorous invasion of innocent Iraq and Afghanistan etc.

Those who think Allah stays up afar in Heaven and has abandon mankind while these transgressors and disbelievers do sin and mischief in this world will be up for a big devastative and humiliating surprise, Insha’allah.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I sometimes wonder with amazement - DSAI’s sodomy investigation seemed to have been treated lightly while the Opposition members could still regard him as a PM-in-waiting irrespective of the decision of that Federal Court of Appeal in 2004 were had been convinced, from evidence presented, that he was involved in homosexual actives.

It then bothers me that the wife of PKR’s right hand man had been proven sexual relations with DSAI via DNA evidence. It further bothers me that Azmin Ali and DSAI’s wife as head of the opposition coalition, the Pakatan Rakyat, should be aware of DSAI acute repugnant sexual behaviour and yet they both robustly support DSAI’s political ambitions to lead our Muslim nation. Then there are some supposedly staunch Muslims amongst the Opposition and members of the public who accuse the Government of political conspiracy, they seemed to care little about his already established sexual background, rather they would insist on eye witness proof of such wrong doing or a verdict from a criminal court.

While there could be several reasons for such support for DSAI against his sodomy investigation notably under the pretext of the human rights’ slogan of “rights to privacy”. I had to convince myself of my conservatism with regard to sodomy I have been upholding; as I remember I was taught never use the “back hole” way, otherwise Allah never be forgive me. I took time and look out for published articles by reputable Muslim scholars on what Allah has prescribed regarding the sin called sodomy re homosexuality.

Among my books, I found one on “Stories of the Prophets” by Imam Imaduddin Abul-Fida Ismail Ibn Kathir Ad-Damishqi 700-774 H, published by Darussalam, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Rendered by Rashad Ahmad Azami.

In sharing a reminder to my Muslim brothers and sisters on the sin called sodomy and homosexuality, I set out extracts from the said book which gives a very clear insight

1. Chapter 7 – The Story of LOT (PBUH)

Prophet Lot was the nephew of the Prophet Abraham (PBUH),

Lot went to the city of Sodom after Abraham had asked him to do so. It was the main city of the region with suburbs and satellite villages. Its people were the most immoral and insolent nature. They practised homosexuality first ever in human history.

Lot called them to heed Allah’s Command and to worship Him Alone and forbade them from this unnatural practice and abhorring act. But they ignored and rejected Lot’s appeal and continued in their erroneous indecency. As a result, Allah destroyed them by a severe punishment.

Allah says in Surat Al-A’raf:
“And (We sent) Lot, when he said to his people: ‘Do you commit such indecency as never any being in all the world has committed before you? You indeed approach men lustfully instead of women; indeed you are a people who are transgressors.’ And the only answer his people gave was they said ‘Expel them out of your town; surely they are a people who want to be pure’. So We rescued him and his family, except his wife, she was one of those who were destroyed. And We rained upon them a rain, then behold how was the end of the sinners” (7:80-84)

He also says in Surat Hud:
“Our angels came to Abraham with glad tidings. They said: ‘Peace’. He said ‘Peace’ and soon he brought a roasted calf. When he saw their hands not extending towards the meal, he deemed it strange and felt afraid of them. They said: ‘Fear not! We have been sent to the people of Lot’. And his wife was standing by and she laughed, then we gave her glad tidings of Isaac, and from him of Jacob. She said: ‘What wonder! How shall I bear a child now that I am an old woman and my husband is an old man? That would indeed be an unusual thing. (11:69-72)

“They said: ‘Do you wonder at Allah’s Decree? The Mercy of Allah and His blessings be upon you O family of Abraham!’ Surely He is Worthy of all praise and Full of all glory. So when the fear had passed from the mind of Abraham, and glad tidings came to him, he began to plead with Us for the people of Lot, Surely, Abraham was forbearing, compassionate, penitent. ‘O Abraham! Relinquish this, the Decree of your Lord has gone forth, and surely, there is coming a chastisement upon them which cannot be turned back;” (11.73-76)

“And when Our angels came to Lot, he was aggrieved and felt unable to protect them, and he said: ‘This is a distressful day.’ And his people came to him, rushing towards them, and they were accustomed to shameful deeds. He said: ‘O my people! Here are my daughters; they are purer for you (if you marry them). So fear Allah and do not disgrace me about my guests. Is there not a single man among you right minded?’ They said: We know that we have no desire towards your daughters, and you know what we desire.’ He said: ‘Would that I had the power to set you right, or I could find some strong support for refuge’.” (11:77-80)

“The angels said: ‘O Lot! We are messengers of your Lord; by no means shall they reach you. So depart from here with your family, late in the night and let not anyone of you turn around, except your wife, surely, what befalls them will befall her. Morning is their appointed time (for their destruction), is not the morning almost nigh?!’ When Our Command came to pass, We turned the habitation upside down, and rained upon them brimstones, hard as baked clay, layer on layer. Each one assigned from your Lord, and never from evildoers.”

And Allah said in Surat Al-Hijr:
“And inform them about the guests of Abraham, when they entered before him and said: Peace’. He said: We feel afraid of you.’ They said: Fear not, we give you glad tidings of a knowledgeable son.’ He said: ‘Do you give me glad tidings after my old age? What glad tidings is this?’ They said: ‘we gave you glad tidings in truth, so do not be among those who despair.’ He said: ‘And who despairs of the Mercy of His Lord except those who have gone astray?’ Abraham said: ‘What concern has brought you here, O you messengers?’ They said: ‘We are sent to a sinful people, except the followers of Lot, we shall certainly save them all. Except his wife, it has been decreed that she shall be of those who stay behind’.”

“And when the messengers came to the followers of Lot, he said: ‘You are a people not known to me!’ They said: ‘We have come to accomplish that which they dispute. And we have come to you with the Truth, and most certainly we speak truly. So depart with your family in the late hours of the night, and you follow behind them, and let not anyone look back, and go to where you are commanded.’ And We decreed him this command that the last remnant of those should be destroyed in the morning.” (15:61-66)

“And the people of the city came in joy. Lot said: ‘These are my guests, do not disgrace me. And fear Allah, and do not put me to shame.’ They said: ‘Have we not forbidden you to plead for the people?’ He said: ‘There are my daughters (to marry), if you are intent.’ By your life (O ProphetI! They wander blindly I their intoxication. And the thunderous Cry seized them at sunrise, and We turned it upside down, and rained upon them brimstones of baked clay. Surely, in this are signs for those who reflect upon events. And the city is right on a high-road. And surely there is a sign in this for those who believe.” (15:67-77)

And it is said in Surat Ash-Shu’ara:

“The people of Lot disbelieved the Messengers, when their brother Lot said to them: ‘Will you fear Allah? I am for you a faithful Messenger. So fear Allah and obey me. And I do not ask you any reward for it, surely my reward is only with the Lord of the worlds. Of all the creatures in the world, do you approach males? And leave those whom Allah has created for you as your mates? But you are a transgressing people.’ They said: ‘O Lot! If you do not desist, you shall surely be expelled.’ He said: I surely detest what you do’.” (26.160-168)

“My Lord! Rescue me and my family from what they are doing.’ So We rescued him and his family all together, except an old woman who was among those who stayed behind. Then We destroyed the others. And we rained upon them a rain, and evil was the rain of those were warned. Surely, there is a sign in this, but most of them are not believers. Indeed, your Lord is the All-Mighty, the All Merciful.” (26:169-175)

The story in Surat An-Naml is in these words:
“And Lot when he said to his people: Do you commit abomination while you are aware? Do you approach men rather than women? But you are a most ignorant people.’ The only answer his people gave was: ‘Expel the family of Lot from your town; they are people clean and pure!’ So we rescued him and his family, except his wife, We ordained that she should be of those who stayed behind. And we rained down on them a rain, and evil indeed was the rain of those who were warned.” (27:54-58)

The Qur’an talks about his people further in Surat Al-‘Ankbut:
“And Lot when he sad to his people: ‘Indeed, you commit such abomination as none have ever committed before of the worlds, And you approach males, and cut off the highway, and you practise indecency even in your assemblies.’ But the answer of his people was: Bring upon us the chastisement of God, if you are truthful!’ He said: ‘My Lord! Help me against these corrupters.’ And when Our messengers came to Abraham with glad tidings, they said: ‘We are to destroy the people of this town, sure, they are evildoers’.” (29:28-31)

“He said ‘But Lot is therein.’ They said: ‘We are well aware of who is there, we shall save him and his family, she shall be of those who stay behind.’ And when Our messengers came to Lot, he was aggrieved and felt powerless on their behalf, but they said: ‘Do not fear nor grieve, we shall save you and your family, except your wife, she shall be of those who shall stay behind. We shall bring down upon the people in this town torment from the sky for the wickedness.’ And we have left a clear sign of it for people who possess understanding.” (29:32-35)

And it said in Surat As-Saffat:

‘And Lot was also one of the Messengers, when we rescued him and his family all together except an old woman who was among those left behind. Then We destroyed the others. And indeed you pass by the day, and by night, will you not understand?!” (37:133-138)

In Surat Adh-Dhariyat, the Qur’an says about them:
“He said: ‘On what matter have you been sent? They said: ‘We have been sent to a sinning people. So We can send down upon them stones of clay, marked by your Lord for the wanton.’ Then we evacuated the believers whom were therein, but We not therein any but one Muslim household. And We left therein a sign for those who fear a painful chastisement.” (51:31-37)

And lastly, it is said in Surat Al-Qamar
“The people of Lot rejected the warning. Surely, We sent against them a storm of stones, except the family of Lot, We saved them at early dawn, as a blessing from Us. Thus do We reward those who are thankful. And he warned them of Our punishment, but they disputed the warnings. And they even sought to make proper advances towards his guests, but We blinded their eyes. So taste My punishment and My warnings. And indeed, an abiding chastisement seized them by the morning. So taste My punishment and My warnings! And We have indeed made the Qur’an easy to understand. Is there any who will receive admonition?!” (54: 33-46)

2. The Punishment
Some scholars hold the opinion that homosexual should be stoned, whether he was married or not. This is also the opinion of Iman Shafi’i and others.

They also supported their opinion with the Hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad from Ibn’ Abbas that the Prophet (PHUH) said:


The opinion of Abu Hanafiah is that whoever practiced it, should be thrown from top of a hill, and then to be stoned, as Allah said “And never far from the evildoers.’ (11:83).

3. Malaysia a free and liberal Society
Malaysia has indeed advanced and developed well among the Muslim countries. The bulk of its population are considered religiously conservative, however the advance of technology in particular the media and internet accessibility threatens it. The latest movies and TV programmes, especially those sourced from Hollywood displays much lewdness and vulgarity. The internet gives easy access to phonographic materials and triple X movies which blatantly promotes anal sex.

Most international human rights organizations, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty also ruled that such laws against homosexuality/ sodomy violated the right to privacy guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights International, condemn laws that make homosexual relations between consenting adults a crime. In US, the world’s greatest proponent of freedom and liberty rules that private sexual conduct is protected by the liberty rights implicit in the due process clause of the United States Constitution. The laws in most US states relating to homosexuality are no longer enforced, or were very selectively enforced.

Thus while the influence of this international “right to privacy” permeates into our political and social structure, some of local population forget while others capitalizes for worldly gains in the DSAI sodomy issue, parroting the west.

To me, the issue of sodomy re homosexuality should never be taken lightly lest we forget the story of Lot and Allah’s many warning, decrees and commandments to us. So unforgivable is this sin that no one practising such derogatory sexual act can ever be a leader of a Muslim nation; the “right of privacy” has no relevance or the outcome of this second case to convict since DSAI has already been proven to have practiced sodomy / homosexual activities both overseas and locally. DSAI can say this is not 1998 but Allah has spoken so clearly in the numerous Surahs and Allah knows best.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


To many of the public, it would be a standard procedure for all new cases of this nature, what’s the big huh hah by DSAI in not giving his DNA. DSAI submission to the Police procedure would facilitate the conclusion of the Police investigation.

1. My Perception
My perception is that the DNA of the earlier sodomy case, although could be still available and valid, was for that specific case and therefore treated as a separate issue. To use the old sample would provide DSAI with further excuse to link the Police Department of a conspiracy and knowing DSAI, he just want that to illustrate a political conspiracy.

2. Expert’s Validity of DNA
Perhaps certain people have been greatly influenced by the CSI series in making their judgment in supporting that a new DNA sample is not required. According to a Dr Syahril Abullah, a medical scientist trained in molecular medicine (The Sun, pg 4 Tuesday 22 July 2008), there are procedures whereby the DNA can be preserved indefinitely. He also gave some possible reasons why a new specimen is required, But a vital procedure is a procedure and DSAI can exempt himself being a person above the law.

Earlier, PM made a mistake about the validity of the age of the earlier DNA, the press should correct him. PM is used to flip flopping because he doesn’t know the facts, so what’s the big deal in reporting PM’s mistake, otherwise the issue would be continually misled.

3. Possible Contribution of US and other foreign interference
Shouldn’t the US, Japan or other interested foreign parties who have been showing concern about DSAI’s welfare request DSAI to go for a DNA test in proving his innocence? Perhaps the US and the others doesn’t bother about our rule of law, there’s too much at stake on their protégé. But if the US does not bother about our rule of law, why should we be with theirs. Thus there’s justification to refute the interferences of these foreign parties.

4. Making Conditional Demands
Making conditional demands before undertaking a DNA test is merely protracting the issue as well as to discredit the Police force, again to link the new sodomy investigation with the old among. The demands include how he, with a back problem, could have sodomised a healthy 23-year-old youth, where the alleged sodomy took place and who were the witnesses. Thus, he wants a copy of the Police Report on the sodomy allegation against him. Some human rights group have come out demanding the Police to disclose the contents of the said Police Report irrespective the Police have provided the regulations justifying the non-release of the Police report before a charge is made.

5. Police Next Move
The Police is said to be considering getting a court order to procure the DNA test but may be restricted to do so due to a matter of law. Perhaps it’s best that the PDRM secure competent legal advice or even the services of specialised psychiatrists in ensuring that every angle of risk is mitigated before making the next strategic move.

6. The Victim’s Family’s Request
The Family of the victim has come forward requesting that DSAI provide his DNA to enable the Police to complete the investigation. The young victim’s family is just a normal Malaysian family unlike that of the high profile of DSAI. The question arises again - is DSAI above the law because he is the PM in waiting on the issue of his DNA?

7. Is DSAI a sodomite?
If a simple public citizen like me could suspect his false intentions in providing his DNA, what about the majority? Thus DSAI is beginning to slip and the more he drags the issue of not taking the DNA test, the guiltier or lost of credibility he is being perceived.

Many tend to believe that DSAI was released from jail of sodomy charges because he was found not guilty.

Lets look at the essence of judgement of the Federal Court.
The nine year conviction by High Court Judge Ariffin Jaka on 8 August 2000 was over turned by a three man Federal Court panel on 2 September 2004.

The 3 judges unanimous agreed on the following

"Even though reading the appeal record, we find EVIDENCE TO CONFIRM that the appellants (Anwar dan Sukma) were involved in homosexual activities and we are more inclined to believe that the alleged incident at Tivoli Villa did happen sometime, this court, as a court of law, may only convict the appellants if the prosecution has successfully proved that the alleged offences as stated in the charge, beyond reasonable doubt".

However, the majority decision reached at:
“The testimonies of one Dr. Mohd Fadzil and one Tun Haniff and the conduct of the first Appellant (ie Anwar) confirmed the appellants’ involvement in homosexual activities. However such evidence did not corroborate Azizan’s story that the appellants sodomised him on the date, time and place specified in the charge.”
Additionally, the majority also held:
“even though reading the appeal record, we find evidence to confirm that the appellants were involved in homosexual activities and we are more inclined to believe that the alleged incident at Tivoli Villa did happen, sometime, this court, as a court of law, may only convict the appellants if the prosecution has successfully proved that the alleged offences as stated in the charges, beyond reasonable doubt.”



The details of the DNA in Sodomy Part 1 was brought to the court and deliberated and reported in the national newspapers on the last day of 1998, perhaps most of us were enjoying our new year that the report did not attract our attention.

Some points are extracted from the press report is as set out below.

Based on DNA tests on the famous mattress, the semen found belonged to DSAI and Shamsidar Taharin, wife of the Mohd Azmin Ali and another male.
A number of the semen was the result of sexual activities between DSAI and the wife of Mohd Azmin Ali.

I do not want to dwell further on the said DNA reporting but it does surprises me that the wife of PKR’s present right hand man was proven to have sexual relations with DSAI. I wonder if this was among the reason at one point in time that Datuk Wan Azizah, wife of DSAI, wanted to proceed against her husband at the Shariah Court.

I also wonder whether Datin Wan Azizah and Mohd Azmin Ali truly believe that DSAI is not highly extra sexed as perceived by some and therefore could possibly commit the sexual crime of sodomising the young Saiful as old habits die hard.

Monday, July 21, 2008


It is generally accepted that the present leadership is extremely weak but yet component parties and members are apparently supporting its continuance even for another two years.

There could be many reasons for such support but let me be naïve and assess the potential consequences in concluding some of the possible reasons:

A weak Top means the Bottom is able to capitalise by demanding more and the Top has to give in and or comply with their wished to stay in power. Thus
Sabah and Sarawak managed to secure from additional goodies worth RM billions for their development programmes and certain political positions etc from PM in justification for the reward for their par excellent victory during the GE 12 which resulted in their impressive contribution of elected representatives in BN and parliament.

It would therefore be in the best interest of these parties that the weakling PM remains in office so that they rightly can demand more. A strong leadership may not necessary be good nor serve their interest.

On the other side, those weak component parties will also demand more, not necessary in money value but in terms of moral/ social justification, to lend support to their recovery or continue existence. Thus these weak parties become vocal on the same issues played out by a strengthened Opposition. Thus the review of the existing Social Contract (NEP, religion, role of Sultans etc), the rule of law and greater human rights, democratic freedom and social and religious tolerance becomes vocal and tolerated creating social and political instability.

The weak leadership is a predicament trying to appease these demands, PM mulls in sacrificing the accepted and established policies of BN irrespective if the rights and values of the dominant party, UMNO, are tempered with, thus more instability.

The Top becomes weaker (as to grassroots support) while the power becomes polarised with the powerful warlords.

In sustaining decentralised control, the weak leadership rampantly practices cronyism, nepotism and money politics to the dismay of the masses.

Focus on critical and strategic issues becomes clouded as in the Kingdom of the Blind, the one eyed is king. The Blind Spot becomes apparent as the focus is to sustain their bellies and personal self interest. Thus dangerous flip flop policies are allowed to prevail; leading the country to nowhere except disasters, characteristics of inconsistent and directionless management.

The country heads for the worst while the Rakyat suffers and becomes repugnant of UMNO and its leadership.

In the midst of chaotic management, the situation is capitalised by opportunists and carpet beggars; the inexperience and immature SIL manages the situation for his father-in-law. Thus incestuous and blatant misuse of power – the consequences of poor governance.

DSAI - Many of us know DSAI for what he is, {a great liar yet} a shrewd politician making maximum use of the media to have a trial by media i.e the American way as the best avenue to neutralise the sodomy investigation – a political conspiracy to link to his first sodomy case rather than a alleged simple crime. But yet he is still able to attract big crowds to hear his speeches even from the more supposedly staunch Islamic (PAS) supporters.

Perhaps DSAI is having his way at the moment because
The MSM has quite a while not perceived as been reporting news reflecting the realities on the ground say the effects of the massive oil price hike on the sentiments of the Rakyat.

For example, it’s not just an issue of understanding the difficult decisions by the Government, there is much, much more reasons and effects which the MSM are not carrying due to Kali & SIL prerogatives – never paint Flip Flop PM in any bad light. Thus the MSM already has a big credibility gap easily manipulated by DSAI and the Opposition parties.

The credibility gap becomes worst when the weaklings, PM and SIL, insist to remain in power. The Rakyat at almost every corner of the country, wants PM and SIL out pronto and yet UMNO members are asked to agree to the two-year transitional hand over to Najib.

Reporting credible news to refute the half truths and lies perpetuated by DSAI and the opposition blogs could have more effective if not because of 1 and 2.

I am surprised the Government to-date seems incompetent as DSAI continues treating himself as “untouchable” while clamouring that everybody from the Police, AG Office, General Hospital, the Judiciary System etc cannot be trusted because of a simple DNA issue. And like Rasputin, he wants now to take over the Government, a repeat of his Reformasi days.

Thus while the authorities continuing to put DSAI in a corner for his sodomy 2 re the DNA, the core source of the problem has to be resolved– PM and SIL is not wanted by the Rakyat.

If UMNO is to survive and continue having the trust and confidence of the Rakyat, the grassroots need to kick out PM and SIL at the forthcoming PAU as a first step. As said earlier, the general perception is the Rakyat at almost every corner of the country knows how incompetent PM and SIL are; their selfish family interest comes foremost instead of the Rakyat or the party. The little that UMNO is doing in assuring their commitment to the social contract is adhered is insufficient.

No doubt no one knows for the next GE will be held in the next 41/2 year but for sure the present economic, social and political climate is most uncertain and unstable. The general expectation is that they will likely get worse, a scenario that the weak leadership is incompetent to handle. Thus a two year transition has no meaning except again to serve the selfish interest of PM and the 1st Family.

The PAU which is a settlement among the party members may discard the wishes of the Rakyat. But UMNO should take note - the perception at the moment still stands that BN and UMNO cannot remain in power if an election is held to-day; that is the general perception going round everywhere within the fraternity of the Silent Majority. That’s the reason perhaps DSAI believes he can topple the Government.

The Rakyat wants to see a new credible, committed and strong leadership in these uncertain times. The changing of the leadership is just the start of a long journey to stability and peace and tranquillity much destroyed by the foolish and irresponsible policies of PM and SIL.

Not listening to the wishes of the Rakyat/ silent majority via re-electing PM and SIL will portray that majority of the UMNO members are only interested to safeguard their bellies, quest for positions and corrupted with money politics. As a consequence, UMNO must be prepared to face a uncertain and hostile Silent Majority, sooner rather than later.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


When I went through a brief search on the internet on the issue of contemporary sodomy, I found that

In Turkey, sodomy has been legal for many years. #. This I presume must be the work of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk who brought westernization and secularisation into the Republic of Turkey after the fall of the Ottaman Empire in the aftermath od world war 1. So when DSAI went to seek shelter at the Turkish Embassy Kual Lumpur while buying time for foreign powers to come to his aid, he was sure the Turkish Embassy would accommodate him. Being a Muslim country, under the Turkish flag, he sought to receive the attention and support of certain Islamic organizations especially those receiving funding from his Chairmanship in the Foundation of the Future, an apparatus of the US State Department which the US contributed USD 30M.

“Most international human rights organizations, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty also ruled that such laws violated the right to privacy guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human RightsInternational, condemn laws that make homosexual relations between consenting adults a crime. Since 1994 the United Nations Human Rights Committee has and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.”# This is where Ambiga and her kind come in, to promote human rights in Malaysia irrespective of Malaysia’s rule of law and the Social Contract and in this case sodomy is the most heinous and sexually derogatory act condemn under Islam.

3. “On June 26, 2003, the US Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision struck down the Texas same-sex sodomy law, ruling that this private sexual conduct is protected by the liberty rights implicit in the due process clause of the United States Constitution. (See Lawrence v. Texas.). Around the time of the 2003 Supreme Court decision, the laws in most US states were no longer enforced, or were very selectively enforced. The continued presence of these rarely enforced laws on the statute books, however, was often cited as justification for discrimination against gay men and lesbians.”3##. Our existing rule of law and that the US are so widely apart in respect of sodomy. In the US, its ‘god’ is its constitution but not so here in Malaysia. The US is intensively promoting its program of greater freedom and liberty world wide especially to the Muslim world after its apparent failure or limited success on the War on Terror and the branding of Muslims as terrorists.
It’s also good to find out how the US military looks at homosexual cases

4. Besides Sodomy Part 1 (the earlier sodomy case of DSAI) there’s another case where International human rights groups have strongly protested but to no avail. See where Uzbek Journalist Pleads Guilty to Sodomy Charges
The above to me are the simple close linkage between DSAI, the US, Turkey and Ambiga (representative of human rights advocates in Malaysia). To all Malaysian Muslims, beware of the onslaught by the United States and its allies in coming to the rescue of their protégée accused of Sodomy. These countries, especially the US administration care not of our laws or the truth. I bet PM and SIL are shitting in their pants and I wonder if they (PM and SIL) will sell out our country’s honor.
I wish to reiterate that I am among those who are certain that DSAI is capable of repeating the heinous crime and thus my duty to warn my fellow Muslims in PAS or elsewhere to be aware of the monstrous destruction DSAI and his loyal human rights supporters can bring to this beloved country out of this despicable incident.
References: #
Legal status in modern Islamic nations (
Homosexuality is a crime and forbidden in most of Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. In other countries, this is not the case, Turkey being an example. Despite the laws, some Muslim nations are widely believed to have a thriving underground homosexual subculture. [citation needed]
Same-sex intercourse officially carries the death penalty in several Muslim nations: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mauritania, Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen.[citation needed] It formerly carried the death penalty in Afghanistan under the Taliban. The legal situation in the United Arab Emirates is unclear. In many Muslim nations, such as Bahrain, Qatar, Algeria and the Maldives, homosexuality is punished with jail time, fines, or corporal punishment. In some Muslim-majority nations, such as Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, or Mali, same-sex intercourse is not specifically forbidden by law. In Egypt openly gay men have been prosecuted under general public morality laws. (See Cairo 52.) On the other hand, homosexuality, while not legal, is tolerated to some extent in Lebanon, and has been legal in Turkey for decades.
In Saudi Arabia, the maximum punishment for homosexuality is public execution, but the government will use other punishments—e.g., fines, jail time, and whipping—as alternatives, unless it feels that homosexuals are challenging state authority by engaging in LGBT social movements.[2] Iran is perhaps the nation to execute the largest number of its citizens for homosexuality. Since the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, the Iranian government has executed more than 4,000 people charged with homosexual acts[citation needed]. In Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban homosexuality went from a capital crime to one that it punished with fines and prison sentence.
Most international human rights organizations, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, condemn laws that make homosexual relations between consenting adults a crime. Since 1994 the United Nations Human Rights Committee has also ruled that such laws violated the right to privacy guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. However, most Muslim nations (except for Turkey, which has been ruled by secular law since 1923 and recently has modernized its laws in order to meet the requirements of entry to the European Union) insist that such laws are necessary to preserve Islamic morality and virtue. Of the nations with a majority of Muslim inhabitants, only Lebanon has an internal effort to legalize homosexuality.[3]

Islamic views on Sodomy (
The Qur'an makes a more explicit scriptural connection between homosexual aggression and Sodom. The city name ‘Sodom’ does not appear there, but the Sodomites are referred to as “the people of Lut (Lot).” Lot is the nephew of the Hebrew/Arabic patriarch Abraham and, in the Judaic Sodom stories, is head of the only family allowed by God to survive Sodom's destruction. In the Qur'an, he is also the divinely appointed national prophet to his people. Since their national name was unrecorded and “people of Lot” was the only available designation, the Islamic equivalent of ‘sodomy’ has become ‘liwat,’ which could be roughly translated as “lottishness” (see Homosexuality and Islam).
According to Islamic view, homosexuality is not a natural activity and it was initiated under the influence of Satan among the people who dwelled in Sodom and Gomorrah. In order that they should abandon this immorality, Allah had sent to them Lut as a Prophet. The Qur'an relates,
'We also (sent) Lut: he said to his people: "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds".' - Holy Quran 7:80-81
It is evident from this verse that the sin of the Sodomites was indeed homosexuality (specifically, amongst men) in the Islamic context.
In Islam sodomy (Anal sex) is forbidden whether done with a man or a woman.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Reading from the local newspapers, I gave thumbs up to the Malaysian Police in arresting the wanted suspect by the name of DSAI.

The PDRM issued a statement explaining the steps taken to arrest DSAI away from his house and about an hour before expiration of the deadline for him to surrender himself to the Police.
i) Many people, family members, press and party supporters had already gathered around the vicinity of his home in anticipation of an arrest. Thus to avoid any outward incident, the arrest was made before DSAI could reach his home. Thus the objective of maintaining peace and harmony was achieved.
ii) After monitoring that the suspect had diverted his journey from his last destination to his house instead of directly to the IPK (Police HQ), the Police decided to take him on based on strong assumption that he was not coming to the Police station. The suspect had the previous day broken his promise to report to IPK and for him to break his promise again was indeed very real. The Police had to be firm in enforcing the law on this high profile case; DSAI is cannot be seen to be above the law.
iii) The Police confirmed that the arrest was made in accordance with its existing guidelines. Fortunately DSAI was accompanied by his lawyers who assured that DSAI was under police protection and was given all facilities including access to a lawyer and family members.

DSAI was arrested to give his statement and assist the Police in the current investigation in connection with the Police Report made by one Mohd. Saiful, a personnel aide to the wanted suspect. Mohd Saiful alleged that DSAI had sodomised him.

As expected, treating DSAI like an “untouchable”, immediately the Opposition made a big huh hah in Parliament, even seeing PM to assure his safety and threatening demonstrations. Opposition blogs and foreign press emphasised the arrest a political conspiracy rather than a local police investigation following a personal action.

The quick action by the Police is most commendable; it assures that the matter would not be dragged potentially creating further social unrest and political instability. Such quick and smooth action would also mitigate interested parties in capitalising and undermining the integrity of the Malaysian Police.

Thumbs up again to the Malaysian Police. I am sure the Police are aware that this high profile case is under the watch of many interested parties, both local and foreign, bent into looking at technicalities of the law rather than the truth of the matter. I am also confident that the Police and the AG office will ensure that justice will prevail. However, I have little confidence in PM and the SIL in handling this sensitive matter being the kind of unscrupulous and incompetent politicians they are.

Note: DSAI refused to take a DNA test, a standard police procedure in such investigation . I wonder why. Anyone else would comply with such standard procedures to prove one's innosance.


My Take

1. Nothing significant in the outcome of the Debate that would contribute to help decision makers consider reducing high price of fuel. All the facts and history deliberated is common knowledge.

2. All the two Debaters did was just to trade political blows at each other. Who won? Depends on the perspectives one takes, some would say DSAI while others Shabery. Some would even say democracy was the winner.

3. As amongst the majority of consumers affected by the one massive fuel price hike and its overall consequential inflationary effects on the economy, I would stand with anyone who would disagree against the Government’s action irrespective of whatever the Government may put forward in its arguments. This is the expected psychological behaviour of the general public, thus DSAI had that special advantage in the Debate. His argument for a staggered price increase definitely made sense.

4. Two key points which DSAI brought out during the Debate worth mentioning are
· Due to the Government’s action, the country’s traditional competitiveness has been greatly eroded, the people is just beginning to feel the effects with less purchasing power as the economy increases its pace towards stagflation.
· DSAI’s last comment which many listeners did not pay heed: the country is expected to face a financial tsunami of magnanimous proportions in the next 2-3 months and DSAI is of the view that the present administration will not be able to handle it.

As someone who views the current administration as weak and indecisive as well as incompetent, I share the view or rather advocate that PM should go off immediately to be replaced by a new strong team with greater honesty, integrity and commitment to the Nation.

5. With the present political, social and economic scenarios fill with uncertainty and instability, I wondered why the Government agreed to proceed with the Debate – is it to show that the Government practices democracy or that democracy is well and alive in Malaysia?

I am happy with type of democracy prevailing in our beloved country all these years which had into consideration our rule of law that had its origins from the Social Contract. Our country is unique, structurally different from the US, Britain or elsewhere and so there’s little need to follow the US style of Debate.

The Debate thus served little purpose except to further contribute to the restlessness and rumblings on the ground when the focus should be on enhancing our economic performance in preparation of any eventuality of another economic crisis which could be worse than the 1997 Asian Financial Crises. All the pointers are there.

6. From another political perspective, the Debate provided DSAI the opportunity to enhance his image in the media. This guy is presently being accused for the second time of sodomy and the police investigation into such evil act is only just beginning. This guy’s modus operandi is well known; he will make use of whatever means including the use of demonstrations and foreign interference to cause havoc to achieve his means.

The recent police road blocks undertaken by the Government, rightly or wrongly, are associated with this one “godly” guy called DSAI, the defacto leader of the Opposition. To the Opposition, this guy can do no wrong and any action taken against him is a conspiracy; they look at all angles under the law for technicalities to ensure that this guy cannot be “touched”.

Thus the Debate only demonstrates the inconsistencies of the Government’s stand on this one guy. But this is expected from the character of the flip flop PM who is incompetent and consistently advised by a bunch of nincompoops.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


PM and the SIL despicable actions to galvanize public and UMNO support using government and UMNO facilities just before the start of the UMNO branch represents political corruption at its best and in violation as per the UMNO code of conduct

Extracts from Article 20 of UMNO’s constitution (as per my own English translation)

20.12 The Supreme Council is fully empowered by its rules and regulations in relation to the Code of Conduct inter-alia

- To thwart the misuse of power and money which objective is to garner votes or support
- Or to influence any contest on his/her personal behalf or other parties
- Or not to vote any person in any contest

20.9 The Punishments

a) Be given a warning
b) His/ her rights in the party be suspended
c) Disallowed from standing in any positions in the party or as a candidate at any state elections or public within the time period as stipulated by the Supreme Council
d) Dismissed from the Party
e) Imposed with whatever punishment deemed fit and consistent with the Constitution.

It is the accepted opinion that PM and SIL have seriously violated UMNO’s code of conduct re constitution; thus what kind of exemplary leaders are they?

PM’s insistence to continue the quota system in the nominations procedure is just another barrier sustained to block open competition and a venue which will facilitate the use of money politics.

Rightfully, any UMNO member and their leaders can question who they want in the leadership and for each of them to decide wisely on their free accord within the ambit of the UMNO’s code of conduct. Such rights have been deliberated profusely to enable members to vote without any political corruption, intimidation and/ or coercion. And that is what PM and SIL fear and want most - to rob that individual right in stark daylight at the detriment of UMNO and the country.

Aren’t we ashamed to have such hypocrite leaders in this country – never playing by the rules already set by the justification of their community, UMNO?






Following PM’s quick visit to Penang, UMNO Penang came up in full support of PM and DPM as the contenders No.1 and No.2 posts for the forth coming general assembly. Selangor UMNO soon followed. (Subsequently certain other states and UMNO Youth came out in apparent full support for the transition plan). Then PM hastily arranged to announce his transitional plans when not all his dissidents were around while the branch meetings just around the corner. After that announcement, the MSM came out in force to give full support to the transitional place which would give him enough time to implements his dire reforms. Then the 150 NGO will come together at PICC to give their support to PM. Perhaps these NGO are only interested in getting the extra allocation under the mid term review.

Such has been the modus operandi of PM – a top to bottom instruction from the President to the state UNMO bodies, irrespective of any meaningful input or two-way dialogue with the grassroots. Unfortunately PM is not in touch with the wants of the grassroots, he is isolated by his close circles who fed him with only the falsified good news. He supposedly has a pain at his back that makes him doze off too often and that has been made him a mockery.

A formidable Najib-Muhyuddin and/ or other combinations to take over the weak leadership were already in the making, threatening PM’s political survival. With the strength and quantum of PM/ SIL grassroots support questionable, PM is left without any choice but to secure a pack with Najib under the pretext of secured transitional timeline in the best interest of stabilizing the political uncertainty in the country. He sensed that Najib, considered the best candidate among the current UMNO leaders, has the grassroots popularity to basically kick him out and thus this deception was created. PM’s other intent to disallow the challenging for the No. 1 and 2 posts were scraped. Thus, in the opinion of many, this scoop by PM is to deflect the strategies garnered by the akur umbi to reject PM as well as the SIL.

However public and UMNO grassroots response was predictable, many were too thick skinned to accept such show of support for the PM-Najib team. PM and SIL have been written off and considered incompetent and corrupt to handle the many challenges before us in these uncertain times. Many UMNO members and supporters are annoyed PM’s continued modus operandi.

Malaysian folks of all walks of life are able to see through PM and the SIL and the 1st Family for what they are; incompetent and corrupt. PM and SIL cannot be consistently be deceiving and lying hypocritically to the Rakyat anymore. PM’s asking the Rakyat understanding of the restructuring of the fuel subsidy while he dishes out certain kickbacks are but a farce.

Are these the kind of cheapskate and hollow politics of deception, manipulation and fabrication that the country wants under the so-called two year transition period for reforms? Nay, don’t be wishful; all with be surely disillusioned.

The fate of the country’s future leadership is the hands of each and every UMNO grassroots.

Who should the grassroots vote to nominate in replacement of PM and SIL – Up to each individual grassroots member. If Najib continues his willingness not to challenge PM, then he is standing in the way. Perhaps grassroots may consider the next best choice, let Muhyiddin challenge Najib or anyone else that is befitting as indicated by TDM.



Go to any corner of the country, the answer is the same - practically every ordinary Ahmad, Ah Kow and Maniam, besides those who have been “bought” by money politics or awarded contracts, wants Pak Lah and especially the SIL out of the leadership, pronto. For whatever reasons, the BN/ UMNO leadership refused to accept that the Silent Majority still acknowledges that PM and SIL were the principal causes and sole source of BN’s poor performance in the GE 12. No BN representative is allowed to challenge such misconception without being scorn.

There is no significant improvement in the political situation of the country since the GE 12; in fact, the country’s political, social and economic scenarios have indeed seriously worsened.

Following the formation of the latest cabinet, in addition to certain other elected representatives who were seen as his close associates, PM brought in certain personalities as senators, namely Mohd Taib and Zaid Ibrahim as his principal goons to push though certain of his agenda. The SIL too was responsible for bringing back into fold certain ex-UMNO youth members from PKR into UMNO with much fanfare but to the dissatisfaction and distrust of UMNO members.

Together with the MSM, the President’s men, including the 4th Floor boys form the crux of PM’s paid and loyal supporters, have been conducting a massive PR campaign to bolster the battered image of PM, continuingly trying to deceive the Nation of the stark realities on the ground thus depriving the Nation of the desperate need of a new leadership

Let’s have a brief look at some of PM’s performance to date.

a) Economics Mismanagement and Unanswered Graft
There is nothing credible in PM’s economic policies and actions compared to the 22 years of the previous administration. Many of the PM’s economic disasters and misdeeds also remains unanswered in the minds of the Rakyat and are still unresolved.

i) The Iskandar Region (southern corridor) which many especially Johorians still reject as a development concept which is dangerous and not in the best interest of the country. Singaporeans are expected to benefit massively in this so-called Sanchen project of Malaysia. The difference between Sanchen-Hong Kong and IR- Singapore is mainly the composition of the races; Sanchen-Hong Kong the race is common. Malaysia lost Singapore and to see IR in the hands of foreigners especially Singaporeans would nightmare that the Johor Malays would never want to see that happening in their life. I heard even from reliable sources that the Sultan of Johor was grossly disappointed with the project. Similarly PAS is against the IR.

Then there are so many other corridors which the population look as a mockery, more likely design to plunder the nation rather than for its social economic values. In his recent statement, PM said the idea behind the corridors is equitable distribution of quality opportunities unlike that of the NEP based on equitable distribution of income. His analogy “we don’t that from Ah Seng and give to Ahmad but (what we do is) to accelerate Ahmad’s opportunity” “if we gave them money it will be spent in no time; so we gave them opportunities for productive use” he added. I doubt many of the Bumiputra will buy his idea because he forgot to say “Well, that is after the 1st Family creams the juices (hot money) of the corridors first”.

ii) Combating fuel price increases; the flip flop policies following the recent massive increase in fuel prices, both petrol and diesel demonstrated what an incompetent PM we have. Many believed a staggered increase should have been the desired action considering the ramifications on the traditional resilience and support of the economy and the hardship of the people. Since the enormous hike which makes our retail price of petrol amongst the highest based on income parity, so very often, the Government pronounced new measures to reduce the hardship of the people arising from the reduction in petrol subsidies. It is as though the PM wanted to demonstrate that he is most understanding and considerate about the adverse impact of the fuel increases on the poor.

It has become a joke to many that the massive fuel price as unjustified, thus unnecessary tampering with the traditional resilience of the economy; the economy’s competitiveness in the international markets has been substantially eroded – overall costs of production and services have spiral, social hardship intensified and the threats of stagflation imminent.

Such fuel price hike was deemed a hasty indecision reflected by the kind of cabinet decision reached after just a 3-4 hours discussion on a matter of such great significance to the country albeit a PM who lacks interest in the financial management of the country and aspirations of the people, a leadership heading nowhere except downwards.

iii) The Trengannu Wang Ehsan – still no adequate explanation on what happen to the money and to the wide discrepancies between the state government’s and Ministry of Finance/ PETRONAS reconciliation of the Trengganu oil royalties. Of cause, linked to this, was the infamous plundering by Patric Badawi, PM and SIL and where the local business community of Trengganu were deprived of any benefit. Let’s not forget the excessive cost of constructing the Crystal Mosque and the over-priced expensive bungalows. Why the clampdown on such explanation?

iv) The blatant day light plundering by the 1st Family directly and indirectly via Scomi and others including the nuclear centrifuges case. The PM’s hands indirectly through the SIL or his son seems to emerge almost everywhere when there’s big money to be made from government contracts and economic initiations. Too much have been reported on them and the general public have long most acknowledge such revelations causing many among the Silent Majority and BN/ UMNO members to vote anybody but BN at the GE 12.. Yet PM is advocating reforms in the Judiciary and ACA when he and his interested family should be the first ones to be investigated for graft and prosecuted in court.

Some members of the public even insinuate that the two year time frame was to enable the 1st Family to adequately cover up their corruptive acts.

v) Many other bad economic decisions and shortfalls causing a waste of economic resources without any economic sense except political corruption eg “the sale by Proton of MV Augusta for RM5 while Harley buys for RM350 million”, aborting the crooked bridge, the award of APs etc.

PM had yet to prove his competency in handling the economy. Many would agree his dismal economic performance is his Achilles heals. When PM said the economy was well and under control, perhaps he was over confident on the resilience of the present economy substantially inherited from TDM, none of his doing. However, PM’s undoing of certain of the present economic policies being his rational for economic reforms is expected to cause further disasters and dire consequences to the country especially if the country is confronted with unprecedented world wide economic run-offs arising from the sub-prime loan crises, the depreciating and possible free fall of the value of the USD, a prolonged US recession, stagflation.

I now tend to realize that the massive fuel price hike was to purposely provide the opportunity for PM to demonstrate his consideration and kindness to the most affected, such a disgraceful act of our PM. Check on the latest results from PETRONAS and see how strong its financial results are, there is justification for a staggered fuel price hike!

The economic turmoil, both national and world wide, is expected to worsen in the immediate future especially after the Olympics. Such tsunami is expected to impact the country worse than the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. The present weak leadership under PM by precedent seemed incompetent to handle them. We urgently require a new team to lead the country.

Thus re-electing PM (and SIL) into power would be unwisely of UMNO grassroots members who would have to consider the best interest of the Rakyat at heart. Indeed whoever takes over is expected to inherit a terribly messed up and weakened economy the longer PM stays in office.

b) Social Disorder
I am not being racialist or a religious extremist but I am a concern citizen. A number of racial and religious rumblings and tension never experienced since a very long time is happening under the Flip Flop administration. I would believe this to be the consequence of PM’s promises of populist and liberal reforms and his blatant indecisions which have been taken advantage by the Opposition parties, the Bar Council and other human rights groups. It would not be too far fetch to imply that foreign powers too may have a hand in them.

Some of the troubling sensitive issues are as follows
i) the Social Contract; in particular the NEP have been readily questioned by those aspirants of Malaysian Malaysia and Ketuanan Rakyat while the concept of Ketuanan Melayu has been purposely misconstrued causing agitation and concern amongst the Bumiputra’s and others. The Bar Council (Zaid Ibrahim’s toy) played a pivotal role under the guise of freedom of speech and human rights (like that guaranteed the US constitution) without considering the prevailing and accepted rule of law in Malaysia.

As a consequence of PM’s incompetence and inaction, Malay NGOs have come together united in their stand on Ketuanan Melayu and the sustaining of the social contract. PAS has since come forward to discuss with UMNO on common grounds relating to the Malay race and Islam; any issues relating to the NEP and Islam cannot be compromised. It would appear that with this regard, the PAS president has taken the lead from PM, what sham of a PM who know naught except procrastinate and listen to the advice of the inexperience SIL.

ii) the religious and democratic tolerances in tandem with the demands of the US State Department; in particular the word ALLAH by the Catholic Archbishop. Due to the change in certain governments at state levels, the quest of uncontrolled construction of non-Islamic religious houses of worship, the massive construction of a modern facility to produce pigs etc, etc have also further aggravated the social structure.

Any firm action by PM would be conflicting with his pro-reformist intentions and he would loose ground with the Minority and human rights aspirants

iii) the PSD scholarship ratio issue - manipulated by SIL in posting 2.

iv) Judiciary Reform – unearthing the 20 year old Tun Salleh Abas case, the payment of ex-gratia, the Linggam Video Tapes have been initiated purportedly by the Government to achieve other nasty objectives besides the intention of reforming the Judiciary.

Reverting Article 121 A of the constitution to its original form will have serious social and legal repercussions. The proposed formation of a Judicial Appointment Commission too is expected to have its shortfalls with some insinuating that the appointees will be “friendly” to PM and the 1st Family so that no action would be taken against them after PM leaves office.

To stay on for another two years, PM gave the same lame justification that that “I still have work to do” and the two year time frame would be adequate to push through the many reforms he had promised, this time mentioning specifically graft (ACA) and judiciary reforms.

Note: of late, the ACA seemed to be everywhere when there were problems concerning personalities of BN/ UMNO. When Ahmad Said was named as the preferred choice of MB by the Sultan of Trengganu, immediately the ACA/ BPR was in Trengganu to verify accusations on Ahmad Said’s graft. Similarly Yong Teck Lee when the SAPP announced its earlier intention to support a vote no confidence against PM. Now the Deputy DG of Immigration, his relatives and others have been quizzed by ACA. Why I wonder, can the ACA be that truly independent after being directed around so easily by the SIL and the 4th Floor boys?

UMNO members should take note that most of PM’s populist/ liberal reforms are not in the best interest of the Malay community but are readily welcomed by the Opposition parties particularly PKR and DAP and human rights group headed by the Bar Council.

In fact there are many in the UMNO Supreme Council who are not in agreement with PM’s reformist policies. Thus while PM had put these reforms on hold at the present moment, consistent with his flip flop behavior, he is expected to push through the populist and liberal reforms after his re-election and so as not to have be obstructed within his parties, expect the dissenting members to be removed from their existing positions.

It would appear that PM intends to please the Non-Malay community rather his political base, UMNO, with his pro-reforms. Perhaps he is aware that only the Minority and the Malaysian Malaysia are receptive to support for such reform. Thus leaving his legacy of being Malaysia’s Father of Democracy could find good support among principally the non-Malays; what a joke!

A leader should be aware that reforms can only be successful if it is readily accepted by all concern i.e. the mass population. To forcefully push through will indeed be resisted and in this instant by the bulk of the Silent Majority. For any critical reform that will affect the well being as well as the social and judicial structure of the population, 1 1/2 years is definitely too long for such introductions but seeing them successfully through requires definitely more than 2 years, maybe 4 or more years.

In the past 5 years of his administration, PM has done practically nothing, would anyone believe that giving PM another two years would make any difference? I am sure UMNO grassroots are fully conscious of PM’s lack of credibility and persistent inconsistencies and of cause his prevailing bad performance.

Thus by the time an incumbent inherits the Prime Ministership, the social and judicial fabric would likely be very messy, whacked and the incumbent worse off.

c) Politically Instability

In the GE 12, BN suffered their worst performance, not because the electorates like the Opposition but many traditional supporters voted in their protest against PM. As a result several non-Bumiputra component parties within BN in mainland Malaysia were practically wiped out.

PM now heads an extremely weak government and its small majority in parliament is constantly being challenged by the Opposition, causing consistent political instability. Foreign funds have again put Malaysia off their radar screen.

For the next election due in 2013, some envisaged UMNO/ BN would require about 4 years from now to consolidate their strength; there are a lot of critical areas to be covered. As PM has indicated that he will not lead BN in the next election, thus Najib would have insufficient time to structure BN/ UMNO to be at its best for the GE 13.

The two year period is therefore considered too long and many things can happen before then especially for one like PM who is known for his flip flop decisions, preferring the interest of the 1st Family over everything else. By that time, Najib may just be replaced by someone else. Thus the rumblings have continued and expected to intensify in the days to come.

It is most apparent that PM and the SIL do not actually have the hearts and minds of the people at stake: it is only their selfish interests. Therefore PM and SIL are apparently the present source and cause of the fractional politics within UMNO.

Again PM and SIL showing of genuine concern that competition for the No.1 and No.2 post would cause internal fractions within UMNO is merely a big farce, propagated to block any potential threat against them. By such action, PM and SIL has demonstrated that UMNO, the backbone of BN, is indeed an immature party and thus making a mockery of the leadership within the Malay community.




The SIL was not the appropriate UMNO politician to raise such a sensitive yet most decisive issue about not questioning the 2 year transitional time frame agreed between his father-in-law as PM and the DPM when

i) SIL is seen as the key advocator for all the liberal and po1pulist reforms behind his father-in-law. Thus, he makes himself a mockery of the proposed reforms because it appears he fails to understand the implication of such reforms by behaving so prejudicially protecting the interest of the 1st Family

ii) SIL is seen as the key benefactor if his father-in-law remains longer in office; without PM’s presence, the SIL is practically politically dead.

iii) The transitional time frame allows the SIL to utilize his father-in-law’s goodwill to secure a place in the UMNO Youth candidacy and for his continued political dominance and quest to be PM at 40, otherwise he could be stoned by the mass majority of UMNO Youth grassroots members who hated him for the selfish self-centered person he is.

iv) Most incestuous and dirty type of parochial politics to have a father-in-law as PM while the SIL is the young 32 year old principal punk, inexperienced politician running around like a black hound dog barking for his father-in-law’s political survival.

v) Ever wondered why not many UMNO politicians are as vocal as the SIL on this matter of such significance? No, not because they respect PM and SIL but because any one seen not complying with their whims and fancies will be intimidated, coerced and put into limbo and then terminated.

By such pronouncement, the SIL has indeed seriously violated Article 20.12 of UMNO’s Constitution but by his nature, the SIL does not give a damn on existing rules. Compare such low dignity with that of Shabery Cheek who did not want RTM to telecast live the debate between himself and DSAI because he did not want to be accused of misusing RTM to air official programmes involving him, he would rather let other television networks do the telecast. The “black boy” of UMNO is indeed immature, abusing rules to serve his selfish purpose which is most unbecoming of any politician.

In his brutal and cheapskate politics, the SIL recently publicly questioned the excessive PSD scholarships given to Non-Bumiputras having exceeded the quotas while requesting the Agong to intervene. I have already discussed this matter in my earlier posting; it’s all about bolstering his fledging and hollow image, using the mass media to put himself in a favorable position in anticipation of announcing the UMNO Youth candidacy.




UMNO members maybe be deceived by PM and SIL with the announcement of the 2 year period for Najib to takeover. UMNO grassroots members has been endowed by this golden opportunity to remove an incompetent PM and his irresponsible SIL from power at its general assembly (PAU) this year.

I am not an UMNO member but have been its ardent supporter all the while; the Silent Majority is hoping that UMNO members would not disappoint the public in re-electing PM for the No.1 position as well as SIL for any position in UMNO Youth.

The SIL was quoted to have said that UMNO leaders should not questioned the 2 year transitional time frame agreed between his father-in-law as PM and the DPM which was supposedly in consistent with the wishes of the Supreme Council at their retreat in Shah Alam in early June 2008.

Why should not the transition be questioned when it is the right of each UMNO member to do just do that? Is the SIL intimidating and coercing UMNO members as usual, only this time desperate for his survival as per Elvis singing “it’s now or never”?

Following my very good friend’s advice, I have broken this original piece of writing into several postings so as to deliver specifically the several different messages in each of the postings but all released on the same day.

The overall conclusion is simple:




Thursday, July 10, 2008


The High Court’s Appellate and Special Powers Division has fixed November 21 2008 to hear all the intervention cases made by various parties to intervene in the suit over the word “Allah”.

The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur objects to the various, mostly Islamic religious councils’ in intervening in the suit namely for the states of Penang, Trengganu, Perak, FT, Selangor and Kedah. Yesterday, the Johor Islamic Religious Council also filed an application to intervene.

The Perak Religious and Malay Customs withdrew its application and would file a fresh one before the hearing date. I am hopeful that the fresh application will be comprehensive to intervene in this suit and as well as the other civil suit filed by the Archbishop.

So it was as reported in the Star a couple of days ago.

It does appear that the Archbishop seems to pay little heed to the pronouncement of the Royalty not to aggravate religious issues sensitive to the tranquility of the masses. In my recent discussion on the matter with fellow Muslims, I found more of them to be fully aware and concern about these developments to date. Thus if need be, I sure the majority of them would voice out their anger and frustration if the matter is not resolved by the authorities, what more if the matter were to be brought out to the Muslims in their Friday congregations.

The mater at hand was in relation to the imposed conditions on the prohibition of the word Allah in The Herald, a Catholic weekly publication. The Archbishop has also filed another civil suit seeking, amongst others, to declare that the word “Allah” is not exclusive to the religion of Islam, thus expanding the spectrum of the argument. I just hope the Archbishop will not rope in foreign interference into a local issue.

We wait and see and hopeful that the Archbishop will come to his senses for the sake of peace and tranquility.


I smiled and laughed as I read with full of amusement in the newspapers the kind of politics used by the SIL to galvanize Malay public support to enhance in badly damaged image in relation to the PSD scholarship quota.

I am sure many UMNO members would be anguished with the call by the “black boy”, as some UMNO members would call the SIL, since they could see through his obvious covert intention:

The UMNO election is just around the corner and of late the SIL has been quoted frequently in the MSM while PM has been mostly silent. The issues SIL had brought out were without much meat but yet given emphasis by the media. He’s up in full force with a propaganda agenda to bolter his battered image. Thus, he had to find something drastic to make an issue out and he expected the PSD scholarship quota could be most befitting.

Who runs the Government – the Agong or the PM? Why his need to call for the Agong to interfere on such a small issue which was managed easily all these years? Don’t we all know that the SIL and the 4th Floor boys have been interfering much into the affairs of the administration of the country to the frustration of the civil servants? Is he trying to demonstrate that he never interfered in government administration? I would not be surprise if the SIL had purposely allowed or even had his hands dirty for such issue to become apparent so that he could eventually make politics out of it.

Why ask for help from the Agong now, is the “black boy” trying to uplift the position of the Agong after his and his father-in-law’s disastrous public relation failures in the Trengganu MB and Wang Ehsan debacles? I am sure the Agong too could see through SIL for what he truly is – a political pariah.

See how Najib confronted the issue; he said “We will check it. We will look at it first”. Najib represents the Government and rightfully he does not want to politicize the issue. I am sure Najib is aware such small issue can be resolved by the Government without bringing in the Agong and other interested parties into the fold.

I am hopeful that UMNO akar umbi would be able to see through ‘the black boy’s” stupid action and not be fooled by such cheapskate political ploys. There’s only one obvious solution to stop such cheapskate wannabe politicians – the akar umbi should vote him out ((better word is kick him) of any UMNO Youth post for being so politically corrupt and a STUPIDO.

The manner the SIL’s devilish hands dwelled in this issue gave me the impression that he could be implicitly behind other political conspiracies wreaking the country at present.

The “black boy” has been exceptionally vocal of late. Could this be his trumpeting before making his announcement to bid the UMNO youth post now that PM has announced his transition to Najib only in 2010? What a joke it be for Malaysian politics when the PM and SIL bids for the No.1 posts for UMNO and UMNO Youth!
Are we to see further cheapskate politics like this unabatedly by the SIL under the extended period of PM’s stay in office. Already the SIL commented that PM;s announcement on the transition handover in 2010 was for the best of the party when we know so well that self interest have always been their game – two kill two birds with one stone, maybe but definitely to the destruction of the country.

Friday, July 4, 2008


  1. While in ITM

I can still remember those good old days in Insititut Teknologi Mara (now UITM) in the middle 70’s when life as a student was most free and full of fun. Then came the announcement of the appointment of Tun as Deputy Minister of Education and soon thereafter the Universities Act; the students organized demonstrations against the restrictive policies. Cordon off within the campus, the students demonstrated their hate against Tun; I was among them though not actively involved. Envisaging that the authorities may storm the campus, one day in the wee morning, I and a couple of my roommates made our way through the rubber estates and escaped. However later, accused being too vocal during a subsequent interview by ITM administration to sieve problematic students, I was dismissed from ITM. The academic results soon came out and due to my good results following an appeal; I was allowed to continue my studies in ITM. I eventually ended up being the best student in my course.

  1. Post ITM

As time went by as I pursued my career, my perspective of life changed. During the period of Tengku Razaliegh verses Mahathir, against all others in my department, I alone stood by Tun. When news of the Sodomy Part 1 came out, I again stood by Tun. In both these two instance, I did not stand just blindly behind Tun; I did my background research including discussions with those in the know in establishing my stand. When Bush/ US invaded Iraq, I bought t-shirts depicting evil Bush and purposely wore them as my own way of demonstrating in silence as I went around shopping in areas I know the foreigners would do their shopping. I still remembered people smiling at me, some even congratulating me for my extremely nice t-shirt while the faces of some ‘white’ foreigners were blushing red, looking concern. So what, if the US and its allies brand Muslims as ‘Islamic Terrorists’ and subject to tighter security measures at their airports, I exerted my full rights to demonstrate silently against ‘them’ in my country.

  1. Present Day

Coming to present day, the cost of living has really gone up. I really feel the pinch as I have 5 dependent kids to bring up. Hearing our stupido PM and his Minister Shahril asking the rakyat like me to change life style and cut consumption following the more 40% petrol price hike made me sick. Being a professional, I sensed that PM and his cronies had failed grossly in managing the economic woes of the country. With his style of care less management, anyone including I can be PM. It’s time for PM to go and quick before the economic and political stability worsens.

Coalition Against Inflation

Just yesterday, a friend of mine from JB called up wanting to meet me and asking me to have a look see at the proposed protest organized by the Coalition against Inflation (Protest) against the recent fuel price hike. I would have like to but because the objective of the protest had been corrupted to allow DSAI. to boost his standing arising from Sodomy Part 2, I told my friend “forget it; I don’t want to be associated anything with that Political Bugger”.

The protest suit those who would only believe that the Political Bugger is right while all others are wrong, including the army, police, our legal system etc. These people namely the Opposition members are afraid that if the Political Bugger is found guilty, the new found Pakatan Rakyat will be in complete disarray and therefore still born. So the “niat” of the protest has been fouled/ corrupted by this deceptive purpose. It’s a pity that PAS subscribes to these illusionary and deceptive objectives of DAP, PKR and politicized human rights movements like the Malaysian Bar Council under the guise of Protest. I am quite sure many who had wished to join the protest against the fuel hike but not associated with the aspirations of Opposition parties will unlikely participate.

In the said protest, the Opposition will want to manipulate showing that times have changed in our country since 10 years ago. In my anger, I would say bullocks – since time immemorial, man has deviated much from God’s directives thus the perennial problems of to-day, prostitution being the oldest trade in the world still strives beyond recognition in our country sodomy destroyed under Sodom and Gomorrah is very much alive and indulged even in this country, Malaysians still eat chicken, fish, meat etc, every Malaysian will still have to make a living to feed his family. Really sick propaganda of the desperate DAP.. .

Protest Against US.

Yesterday about 50 members of the Malaysian Islamic Consumers Association handed over a memo to the US embassy on that country’s interference in our country’s internal affairs following US Department spokesman Tom Casey’s statement on DSAI’s Sodomy Part 2. Unfortunately the embassy was closed for the US embassy day.

DSAI is the favorite “horse” of the US for many of its endeavors against the Muslim world. DSAI is Chairman of the Foundation of the Future where the US had given USD30M to fund its various activities in Arab and African countries to promote ‘greater freedom and liberty’ ie the elements of human rights. As commonly held, no type of human rights are good enough to the US except as theirs, so US will messed up things whenever they sniff.. Definitely if this US horse falls shamelessly, the repercussions on the naughty prospects of the Muslim agenda by the US administration under the Foundation of the Future will consequently collapse. So will be the loud laughter in the US University where the Political Bugger is a visiting Professor. The US tak sanggup “malu muka”, too much of their interest is at stake. The US is likely to protect their horse at all cost.

We also have in Parliament an old hack in the wheel chair and his political supports commenting what’s wrong in DSAI being a US snitch. If Malaysia can interfere on Palestine, the US has every right to interfere in DSAI’s case. Seemed the old hack refused to differentiate between the two; he’s all too desperate to see his dreams of Malaysian Malaysia crumble before his eyes. The DAP had and can never ever share the aspirations of the Malays being the majority when it comes particularly to the economics of the Malays and Islam but yet promoting a Malaysian Malaysia, very confusing and deceptive.

UMNO Youth wants to protest against the interference of the US and other foreign powers in our country’s affairs. It’s commendable and timely but it would be better if

i) other Malay/ Muslim groups also take part in the demonstration for reasons stated above in emphasis to the threat from the Foundation of the Future

ii) greater publicity in the MSM on the objectives of the demonstration

iii) the march/ demonstration should commence from the US embassy to the Turkish and perhaps Singapore embassies or vice versa to give the impact on foreign interferences (just handing over a protest note to the US embassy is a waste of time and effort)

iv) Placards should hit not only at the US but also the DAP/ Malaysian Bar Council/ DSAI/ LK Siang/ Kapal Singh etc

v) Do not disturb the freeway and be in compliance with law and order but ensure that the demonstration should be effective with full media coverage.

But PM will not allow such kind of demonstration; he’s so weak, so flip flop that when the US squeezes his balls just a little, he will behave like the Opposition. It would be better for the rakyat to use its resources to “demonstrate”/ protest peacefully for PM’s removal for he’s the main source of much of the rakyat’s current hardship and the current political instability, disruption in the peace and harmony and mismanagement of this country. That time has already come, in conjunction with eliminating the US horse from the political equation.