Anybody with experience going to specialists’ doctors for examination would know the difference; the GP’s medical expertise and check up is limited. Those who watch CSI would already sense the difference – the details required. More so when one needs to get a medical report for certain additional purposes say a legal suit or for lodging a police complain whereby the report has to be most extensive and credible to stand in court. I assisted someone recently at HKL and it was a long and detail process. I recently helped my daughter with one at HKL; it was a long and detail process.
RPK has been threading on very dangerous grounds, putting his reputation (as well as bloggers) to rock bottom after his “fiasco” in the statutory declarations, video confession and now this; he interpreted the medical notes as if he was there well versed in sodomy examination. Going through some of his articles in Malaysia To-day, he appears so desperate, vindictive, vulgar, uncanny in twisting facts and realities, very much like the character of ‘the Joker” in the Batman latest movie; he really sucks.
Let us be patient and let the Police do their job. Do not press them; in fact the protraction of the police investigation (due to not leaving any stones uncovered), has already demonstrated that DSAI has not changed a wee bit as well as the changing colours of those who believe or don’t believe that the sodomy could have taken place.
Certain important people, because of their vested interest (not national interest) are impatient and have already “pre-ejaculated” before reaching the climax (completion of police investigation). They desperately sought using the American way of justice – trial by media just based on a GP medical notes making these so called political intellectuals look so damn stupid; Ambiga, LKS, Kapal Singh, the Man himself and his wife as well as a host of his ardent (PKR) worshippers including RPK. Of course there are the representatives of the Dajjal (US administration and UN bodies like the IMF and World Bank) just smiling, waiting for the opportunity to pounce again. Such a pity for some of these people, telling the Ministers and others to refrain from making “prejudice” statements so as to let the police do their job while boasting about respecting the rule of law but they themselves “pre-ejaculate” as they shit at the fan in wanting to justify a people’s court.
An interesting development was the disclosure that DSAI and Dr Osman Hamid are known to each other since RISEAP (Regional Islamic Da'wah Council of South East Asia and the Pacific (RISEAP) days. Is this the link to the release of the Pusrawi medical notes made public and fabricated by RPK for his hearsay ecstasies to save his boss who has been “condemn” never to become PM of this country?
If Dr Osman is found guilty of professional misconduct in releasing the said medical note, he should be eventually sent back to Burma. It reminded me of my early days in the bank when once I was very sick and went to see a doctor under the bank’s panel which was a few doors away from the office. Upon examination after hearing my complaints, the doctor gave me some medicine. I asked for a day off and instead of being compassionate and understanding, the doctor, a GP locum from India, scolded me and refused to give me a medical leave. I went back to office and excuse myself without the MC. That night it was hell for me, my body was burning hot and red spots appeared all over my body; I was screaming in pain as though death was approaching. The next morning, I went to see my family doctor and he requested that I go to a specialist hospital. So I did and was diagnosed and admitted for measles. I was then in my early 30’s. I wrote a nasty letter to the clinic and soon the principal doctor called me up at home apologising. Soon thereafter the locum doctor called up and asked for forgiveness otherwise he would be sacked. I didn’t give a damned. Later I was told by my office that he was quite a drinker.
DSAI must be panting, having run around some parts of the country to defend himself against the charge by Saiful. It’s a pity but then DSAI took upon himself in denying the integrity of the local institutions while not cooperating in the police investigations. The Rakyat is able to judge for themselves every of DSAI’s actions and commentaries on his constant denials. DSAI also must be aware that his time is almost up and that the Police and the AG’s office must be ready to come out with the charges and arrest him soon enough.
In the previous case, evidence was clear the derogatory sexual act was his way of life but insufficient to charge him on technical grounds. Should the Police subsequently precede to an arrest the Man for a new sodomy charge, I am sure there would be a mob protecting him. What if the Man doesn’t want to give himself up to be arrested? For sure, the Man wants to make a small issue big in attracting much public including foreign media attention crying wolf as usual, will our men in blue be allowed do the job in balaclavas or should we call in the Army with their armoured personnel carriers, tanks and machine gun to do a quick and clean sweep? A new charge on a sin so cursed in our Quran doesn’t necessitate giving the Man the respect he deserves!
The King, his family and U
5 weeks ago
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