It is generally accepted that the present leadership is extremely weak but yet component parties and members are apparently supporting its continuance even for another two years.
There could be many reasons for such support but let me be naïve and assess the potential consequences in concluding some of the possible reasons:
A weak Top means the Bottom is able to capitalise by demanding more and the Top has to give in and or comply with their wished to stay in power. Thus
Sabah and Sarawak managed to secure from additional goodies worth RM billions for their development programmes and certain political positions etc from PM in justification for the reward for their par excellent victory during the GE 12 which resulted in their impressive contribution of elected representatives in BN and parliament.
It would therefore be in the best interest of these parties that the weakling PM remains in office so that they rightly can demand more. A strong leadership may not necessary be good nor serve their interest.
On the other side, those weak component parties will also demand more, not necessary in money value but in terms of moral/ social justification, to lend support to their recovery or continue existence. Thus these weak parties become vocal on the same issues played out by a strengthened Opposition. Thus the review of the existing Social Contract (NEP, religion, role of Sultans etc), the rule of law and greater human rights, democratic freedom and social and religious tolerance becomes vocal and tolerated creating social and political instability.
The weak leadership is a predicament trying to appease these demands, PM mulls in sacrificing the accepted and established policies of BN irrespective if the rights and values of the dominant party, UMNO, are tempered with, thus more instability.
The Top becomes weaker (as to grassroots support) while the power becomes polarised with the powerful warlords.
In sustaining decentralised control, the weak leadership rampantly practices cronyism, nepotism and money politics to the dismay of the masses.
Focus on critical and strategic issues becomes clouded as in the Kingdom of the Blind, the one eyed is king. The Blind Spot becomes apparent as the focus is to sustain their bellies and personal self interest. Thus dangerous flip flop policies are allowed to prevail; leading the country to nowhere except disasters, characteristics of inconsistent and directionless management.
The country heads for the worst while the Rakyat suffers and becomes repugnant of UMNO and its leadership.
In the midst of chaotic management, the situation is capitalised by opportunists and carpet beggars; the inexperience and immature SIL manages the situation for his father-in-law. Thus incestuous and blatant misuse of power – the consequences of poor governance.
DSAI - Many of us know DSAI for what he is, {a great liar yet} a shrewd politician making maximum use of the media to have a trial by media i.e the American way as the best avenue to neutralise the sodomy investigation – a political conspiracy to link to his first sodomy case rather than a alleged simple crime. But yet he is still able to attract big crowds to hear his speeches even from the more supposedly staunch Islamic (PAS) supporters.
Perhaps DSAI is having his way at the moment because
The MSM has quite a while not perceived as been reporting news reflecting the realities on the ground say the effects of the massive oil price hike on the sentiments of the Rakyat.
For example, it’s not just an issue of understanding the difficult decisions by the Government, there is much, much more reasons and effects which the MSM are not carrying due to Kali & SIL prerogatives – never paint Flip Flop PM in any bad light. Thus the MSM already has a big credibility gap easily manipulated by DSAI and the Opposition parties.
The credibility gap becomes worst when the weaklings, PM and SIL, insist to remain in power. The Rakyat at almost every corner of the country, wants PM and SIL out pronto and yet UMNO members are asked to agree to the two-year transitional hand over to Najib.
Reporting credible news to refute the half truths and lies perpetuated by DSAI and the opposition blogs could have more effective if not because of 1 and 2.
I am surprised the Government to-date seems incompetent as DSAI continues treating himself as “untouchable” while clamouring that everybody from the Police, AG Office, General Hospital, the Judiciary System etc cannot be trusted because of a simple DNA issue. And like Rasputin, he wants now to take over the Government, a repeat of his Reformasi days.
Thus while the authorities continuing to put DSAI in a corner for his sodomy 2 re the DNA, the core source of the problem has to be resolved– PM and SIL is not wanted by the Rakyat.
If UMNO is to survive and continue having the trust and confidence of the Rakyat, the grassroots need to kick out PM and SIL at the forthcoming PAU as a first step. As said earlier, the general perception is the Rakyat at almost every corner of the country knows how incompetent PM and SIL are; their selfish family interest comes foremost instead of the Rakyat or the party. The little that UMNO is doing in assuring their commitment to the social contract is adhered is insufficient.
No doubt no one knows for the next GE will be held in the next 41/2 year but for sure the present economic, social and political climate is most uncertain and unstable. The general expectation is that they will likely get worse, a scenario that the weak leadership is incompetent to handle. Thus a two year transition has no meaning except again to serve the selfish interest of PM and the 1st Family.
The PAU which is a settlement among the party members may discard the wishes of the Rakyat. But UMNO should take note - the perception at the moment still stands that BN and UMNO cannot remain in power if an election is held to-day; that is the general perception going round everywhere within the fraternity of the Silent Majority. That’s the reason perhaps DSAI believes he can topple the Government.
The Rakyat wants to see a new credible, committed and strong leadership in these uncertain times. The changing of the leadership is just the start of a long journey to stability and peace and tranquillity much destroyed by the foolish and irresponsible policies of PM and SIL.
Not listening to the wishes of the Rakyat/ silent majority via re-electing PM and SIL will portray that majority of the UMNO members are only interested to safeguard their bellies, quest for positions and corrupted with money politics. As a consequence, UMNO must be prepared to face a uncertain and hostile Silent Majority, sooner rather than later.
The King, his family and U
5 weeks ago
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