Please do not expect foreign interference in supporting DSAI to listen to our local view, we can shout and scream like in Hell Boy 2 but these foreign buggers would never listen. Even if anyone is able to produce an original video with pictures and sounds showing DSAI buggering, they won’t care a shit for the following reasons:
1 DSAI is their stooge and they have invested heavily on him to do their dirty work vis- a-vis to spread their propaganda and falsehood to the Muslim world in the name of greater freedom and liberty. He has been groomed to be the likes of the Kemal Ataturk, to bring secularism etc in decaying Islamic revivalism worldwide. This is his lead role as Chairman of the Foundation of the Future and in association with the US administration – promoting liberal Islam?
2 Since 1994 the United Nations Human Rights Committee has also ruled that such laws violated the right to privacy guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Most international human rights organizations, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, condemn laws that make homosexual relations between consenting adults a crime.
Thus international human rights groups can expect their local affiliates and associates to fully support against the rule of law in Malaysia which stipulates a maximum 20 year sentence on sodomy. Likewise the organisations linked to the UN and US like the World Bank and the IMF which have also in their agenda to barbarically rape our nation’s wealth.\.
So the clear link of the Bar Council in this matter and the human rights vocalism from the Opposition parties as well as certain NGOs in the country. Have we heard the Opposition and such local human rights groups commenting adversely on such interference? They seem to have almost forgotten about Allah’s decrees, commandments, warnings and punishment on sodomy/ homosexuality as told in the Qur’an in the story of Prophet Lot. God forgive me but it is apparent these people have SOLD THEIR SOULS TO THE DEVIL for worldly gains and falsehood and yet they refuse to deny or even sense it;
3 On June 26, 2003, the US Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision struck down the Texas same-sex sodomy law, ruling that this private sexual conduct is protected by the liberty rights implicit in the due process clause of the United States Constitution. (See Lawrence v. Texas.). Thus the US’ rule of law and ours are different and the US always believes that theirs is superior to Allah’s and don’t give a damn about ours; their despicable action speaks louder than words.
Such disgusting firm support from Paul Martin, ex-World Bank chief James Wolfensohn, and Michel Camdessus, the former head of the International Monetary Fund are only but expected. Similarly US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice when she clearly poked in her ugly nose in rejecting and claiming that DSAI’s sodomy case is not an internal affair of our beloved country Malaysia – a crime being investigated under Malaysian jurisdiction by a Malaysian citizen; is this not an irrational and unprejudiced statement or treachery of the Malaysian Opposition for not being disquiet?
4 And what of foreign supposedly renowned Muslim scholars who have come forth supporting DSAI? What’s so big special about them when there are those among them who might not be aware of the real/ full story or under the payroll of the US State Department or even practicing liberalism rejected by fundamentalist Islam re Kemal Ataturk style as in Turkey where sodomy has been legal for years and where in Istambul thrives a small but active society of homosexuals.
We have to be steadfast and patient for Patience is half of Faith and the Truth will definitely prevail while we let the Malaysian Police proceed with their investigation; we must continue voicing and rejecting these alien interferences.
The more the foreign buggers interfere, the more the Rakyat especially the Muslims and true Malaysians will reject them and DSAI’s predicament will be buggered up and compromised. Such precedence can be seen when the Americans and their associates have and are still interfering in the affairs of the locals and the locals rejected them re Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, other middle east counties and many other countries say in the war on terror, the traitorous invasion of innocent Iraq and Afghanistan etc.
Those who think Allah stays up afar in Heaven and has abandon mankind while these transgressors and disbelievers do sin and mischief in this world will be up for a big devastative and humiliating surprise, Insha’allah.
The King, his family and U
5 weeks ago
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