Wednesday, June 25, 2008

“Religious Issues should not be tested” but will the community adhere?

“Isu agama jangan diuji, titah Sultan Perak (Religious Issues should not be tested, pronounced Sultan Perak)”

Sultan Perak Sultan Azlan Shah Selasa mengingatkan rakyat supaya isu berkaitan agama tidak diuji dan dicabar hingga ke peringkat yang boleh menimbulkan kegelisahan.Menurut baginda, ketenteraman awam boleh terjejas dan perang saudara boleh tercetus kerana perkara mengenai agama sangat sensitif dan menyentuh emosi."Islam menganjur umatnya untuk menghormati agama lain dan tidak bermusuh dengan penganut agama lain selagi kemuliaan Islam tidak dipersenda, selagi Islam tidak dihina dan selagi hak umat Islam tidak dicerobohi," titah baginda ketika merasmikan pembukaan persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak di Ipoh. Agenda daily 24/6/08

I would believe that certain elements of the community will definitely not abide the Sultan’s pronouncement on Islam as enlightened below:

  1. The Catholic Church – the prime promoter of the usage of the word Allah by non-Muslims in Malaysia. The endeavors of this international centuries old organization backed with its enormous wealth is well acknowledged..
  2. The US administration’s Bureau for Democracy and Global Affairs in reviewing and promoting religious tolerances under the guise of greater freedom and liberty irrespectively if their interference causes social instability.
  3. The Malaysian Bar Council and human rights activists promoting the international slogan of “freedom to practice one’s own religion” without limits.
  4. The DAP with their concept of equality under Malaysian Malaysia
  5. Other religious groups concern about their well being of their followers and feels under threat.

This is indeed an old theme but has taken a new phase by these certain elements made brave by the promised reforms of flexibilities and tolerances for the minorities. Fortunately more and more Muslims organizations and individuals are already aware of the possible dangerous consequences from the actions of certain of these elements and are watching the developments cautiously. They are indeed happy of such pronouncement by the Sultan and the state religious councils’ efforts and intervention to address the predicament.

I hope the Sultan’s pronouncement be adhered to for the sake of the peace and tranquility of our beloved multi-racial and religious nation. This is Malaysia, unique with its own culture and norms, where the majority is Muslims and we have live in peace and harmony for the good many years; we should not be unnecessarily cowed by international pressure under the guise of human rights and religious tolerances.

This subject has been more specifically addressed in many of my earlier postings.


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