Thursday, April 10, 2008


Let’s first ponder at some of the recent headlines in the alternative media

MALAYSIAN INSIDER 6 APRIL 2008: MAHATHIR BELIEVES HIS DUTY TO SET THINGS RIGHT (as a consequence of BN’s disastrous performance)

“The culture of fear is so strongly entrenched on the Malay psyche that few dare even to speak up on the prime minister's ill-advised decisions. As a result, Abdullah is blinded and deafened to the "real truth" on what is needed to revitalise the Malay party, and by extension, the country. Because of that, Mahathir sees it as his duty, as the person responsible for Abdullah's appointment, to set things right again, and to unite the Malays under the UMNO banner.”

THE NEW STRAITS TIMES 7 APRIL 2008: DATUK SERI ABDULLAH AHMAD BADAWI WENT ON THE OFFENSIVE against his critics yesterday, signaling he would fight back to keep UMNO and the government together.

Speaking after a special presidential briefing to UMNO members, the prime minister and UMNO president acknowledged that while his predecessor had influence, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had misused it to the disadvantage of UMNO.


Saya percaya Mahathir menyerang Pak Lah waktu itu bukanlah kerana PakLah ubah dasarnya. Tetapi kerana singa tua sudah terhidu kancil sedang mengunjung ke penjara bertanya khabar harimau malang.Anwar adalah lebih merbahaya kepada Mahathir daripada merbahaya kepada Pak Lah


“ia lebih merupakan kempen yang diatur untuk menyelamatkan Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai presiden UMNO dan Najib selaku timbalannya”


“Kempen sekumpulan pemimpin akar umbi UMNO untuk mendesak Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berundur akan dipertingkatkan ke tahap lebih besar ke seluruh negara.

Selain majlis penerangan di negeri-negeri, kumpulan itu tidak menolak kemungkinan berkumpul beramai-ramai di Putrajaya untuk mencapai matlamatnya, kata ketua cawangan UMNO Pusat Bandar Taman Cempaka, Syed Saifuddin Syed Harman kepada Malaysiakini hari ini”

In my take:

1. No intention for TDM to lead the country; he has already said it and there is no reason not to believe him, given his seniority. Like many others, he perceives Abdullah unfitting to continue leading the country.

TDM has gained nothing personally in this ordeal except a host of misunderstanding for his well intended actions; spinning off a most devastating concerted propaganda and disinformation campaign unleashed against him. Issues rousing and canvassing populist support were purposely manipulated; their long term consequences totally disregarded. Fantastic, almost the entire government’s propaganda machinery is taking on against this one elderly and respected statesman whose weapon is his gap.

Many a time, truth is not what it seems. I do recollect that one of my late uncles, a former Chief Justice, once told us many years ago about the story of the then Agong wanting Tun Salleh’s dismissal (re the incident involving the insolence of Tun Salleh’s letter to the rulers see Malaysia Today: Smokescreens and Disinformation: A distraction of issues). It may seem hard to believe especially for the ‘die hards’ however my late uncle’s story did fall in line with YB RPK’s

Article. However, I do not wish to raise the dead from the grave; let him lie in peace.

Funny, even certain prominent opposition leaders have instantly come to the rescue of the endangered PM. One wonders with extreme suspicion why such leaders stand firmly with the PM on the premise of the standard rules of conduct of the party. Is it true the apprehension that only those who want PM to stay are those who would like the present government fall? Apparently in seeking the ultimate truth, hordes amuse themselves with ‘megocak tin tin kosong yang dah karat, nak tin kosong itu bunyi kuat kuat’. Nay, they would say this is true democracy in practice; they seek justice while I say they are just demons gone crazy, opening the gateway of desperation.

So why should the Nation at this critical point in time dwell on a historical issue going 20 years back. Next step, legitimize the Hindraf issue as per the Australian aborigines and release the detainees with glamour? It’s great; we have the best independent CSI team in town specially set up to uncover ‘skeletons in the cupboard’. Our productivity GNP levels will shore up as the debate on this debacle prolongs. Updated: And finally, the Government agreed not to apologize to Tun Salleh, perhaps after checking back the ‘untold’ records, it’s was clear what happened. It’s a closed chapter, similarly to the case which Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail said ‘that the matter (TDM’s interference in BPR) would not be considered to be re-opened for investigation unless fresh evidence surfaced’.

Who would ever believe in these trying times?

- Resolving and dribbling this 20 year issue would immediately bring back foreign confidence into the market?

- Addressing this 20 year old problem will assist in resolving federal funding to the Pakatan Rakyat controlled states thus urgently jump starting economic co-operation for the best interest of the rakyat?

- That seeking an apology on this issue would bring benefits to the bulk of population excluding a handful of frustrated nincompoops.

Who would have benefited if these cases had prolonged? Certain parties and personalities who were just reaching their puberty or were not intimately involved in the cases, had allowed personal interest and grievances rule the rationale of the day? Alhamdulilah, it’s good; the no apology from the Government finally has our senator Datuk Zaid Ibrahim walking with his tail between his legs.

2. TDM’s condition to stop his ‘distasteful’ barking or yapping is simple– that ‘they’ stop doing the wrong things which caused UNNO’s poor showing. TDM’s principal concern is the acute leadership problem deemed responsible for the current dire state of affairs. As a consequence, to TDM, the illness should be removed quickly as inherent dangers are closely lurking against the best interest of the country. As any strategist would advise, cut the head (s) and the entire body is neutralized, then only can consequent changes take place.

3. Although AAB has recently dobby marked N as his successor, he has yet to give any indication of a prospective date to retire as yet (Soon, soon but WHEN, only the HEAVENS know?). Many perceive AAB as ‘nice guy’; one who advocates good governance and transparency; however he is considered weak and in realty apparently listens to his handful of advisers and SIL. His declaration ‘don’t pick on Khairy, I called the shots’ fell onto deaf years and became a mockery as the media and many including UMNO/ BN/ PKR knows better.

Shouldn’t AAB wear a mask, go down and walk amongst the population and hear the voices of discontent, just as Sultan Mahmud of yesteryear?

Is it fair to suspect that indeed AAB is most aware of the SIL and the rest of his family’s workings and conniving schemes but that is his privilege as PM? I hope I am very, very wrong. Perhaps the call for him to take a long, long holiday and let the deputy run as acting PM is most apt.

4. DSAI is deemed PM in waiting, his associates say. Would he be satisfied to play second fiddle? UMNO is the gem; DSAI knows so. 2nd fiddle is no place for one of such high international repute. In the case of TDM, most western media just hated him even though he had brought much good and saved our country via his unorthodox ways.

And what about that bunch of DSAI anxious supporters; are they dreaming of the day they take over UMNO’s place and inherit Fort Knox? Nay, people don’t change, their lust for (more) power and wealth lurks inertly deep within them only to be unleashed passionately once they see the glitters before their very eyes. Silently whispered in their ears “why not take some……and a little some more…...yes more……aren’t they not so much different from their predecessors?”.

5. Now the internal battle cry has begun. N (the able obedient patient ‘slave’, some say) supposedly is leading a magnanimous and gruesome task in diffusing grassroots against a possible swell of rebellion. The spoils of war are at stake watched at a distant by DSAI and his kuncu kuncu, their mouths watering with ‘air leor meleleh’. In the 1st round (GE 12), BN and UMNO suffered badly. In this 2nd round (UMNO elections 08), if not contained, UMNO may further fall into the doldrums. The UMNO election traditionally had always been more crucial because that’s where the leadership of the country is determined. So let’s watch back biting at its best.

6. Business is now bad with some saying slower to pick up after the GE. Foreign investors have jumped ship and Bursa Malaysia is totally unexciting for a good while to come. Gosh….there goes part of my life’s savings. BN is contemplating avenues to fund the development projects in the opposition controlled states without deterring their quest to wrest back control of the lost states. The population remains concern, some still lost and others dazzled, all waiting for leads which will improve the state of affairs of the beloved nation.

7. SIL seemed quiet, yet to make known his most desired claim: the UMNO youth leadership which is now opened to all. The political landscape has changed as he hides away from blame that places him as notably among the primary factors for his party’s worse performance. I do recall once in the papers before polling where he commented that he had been assigned by the PM to take charge of the expected grand win over Kelantan. Kelantan’s results was the worse ever for BN and yet PM blames a ‘KuLi’ and saboteurs. For his own survival, SIL clings to or leaches to, hopeful that his father in law continues hanging onto power; he knows his grandeur plans (whatever they maybe) has been dealt a death blow and he doesn’t have a chance without his father in law around. Definitely those grassroots not under his payroll just hate his arrogance and money; they anxiously wait for the opportunity to slice him down shamelessly.

8. There’s one most prominent person yet to surface in the current turmoil– the billionaire TD, a former Finance Minister and Treasurer of UMNO. Is he is well and kicking, where does he stand? Buying cheap shares in the dwindling stock market? I wonder as I don’t have a clue yet.

No 8 aside, so what is the fuss all about between AAB and TDM?

Here the two pence worth of perceptions going about around town;

  1. In continuing as PM, AAB bought the time desperately needed to address and ratify the serious faults confronting BN/ UMNO, crystallizing overdue development projects supposedly for the needs of the population as he had promised before handing over the reigns to his named successor. He hopes have then to have placed his legacy in good stead in the annals of history; he also would have saved his face.

Whilst doing so

- Could AAB also have bought time for the 1st family to cover all tracks, salvage and consolidate whatever ‘looted’ wealth, as some would comment? If so, then party interest and that of the nation were always secondary to AAB.

- Providing SIL with whatever little time left to continue charting his political future so that AAB’s linage has a beacon in UMNO’s corridors of power like several earlier 1st families.

- AAB know his time is already written on the walls but not his young SIL, the one responsible for the well being of his most favorite sibling, his only daughter. So immense is his love for his daughter that perhaps AAB may even be totally blind if SIL strikes any deal with DSAI, the mentor of the ambitious conniving politician but rejected by UMNO.

- AAB dispenses the perception of the dissidents in UMNO that he is indeed a liability under the prevailing political landscape when UMNO and BN credibility and integrity have to be seriously addressed. With his pool of incompetent 4th Floor and his Singapore advisers under the patronage of his SIL, he is expected to make further disastrous decisions. So, the unfortunate conclusion, some would argue, could Mr Nice Man/ Mr Clean be aware he could be hooked winking the masses?

  1. TDM as some people say ‘He had his ups and downs; he made good decisions and bad ones. He loves Umno; he understands what is happening on the ground.” TDM has remarked ‘that the interest of the party should be place first before family’ apparently pointing to AAB

- TDM’s quarrel, I hear, is not directly with AAB but the SIL who was the person single handedly blamed on the worst performance of BN in history

- Continuing as the PM while he listens to the young ambitious SIL and circle of Pariah advisers is definitely not the kind of leadership the country needs. PM carries along with his damaging baggage; the common believe that 1st family whacked up financial benefits blatantly and openly for their own interest. Without such principal changes, UMNO cannot be reformed and hence continue to be rejected by the population with the death of BN most imminent

- TDM’s consistent nasty snarling also has the impact of urgently awakening UMNO to the perils in confronting DSAI. UMNO, TDM genuinely believes needs to be strengthened structurally against all its enemies within the shortest time frame.


- To TDM, DSAI represents a host of rot and a despicable icon, thus a looming disaster if he is to lead the country. Thus TDM will fight to his last breath to ensure the survival of UMNO and the country. The besieged AAB is directly in his path right now.

Nay, some would say, TDM is afraid of DSAI becoming PM because when he does so, DSAI will have his revenge and uncover the all bad about TDM, that’s what the fuss is truly all about. Yes, perhaps that’s some truth but on hind side, it probably give the old man (TDM) the extra booster ‘tongkat ali ginseng’ to complete his venomous task with expediency and pride. Is there anything wrong with such a stance – to protect one’s pride and honor? But desperados being desperados, they will always put out other arguments, not because they are believe they are correct but because they are so blind and full of hatred, they change to become the scum of the earth. (This is just a matter of descriptive perception, no hard feelings intended).


On a macro level, it’s about

  1. TDM’s desperate battle cries to UMNO to shockingly wake them up to their shortfalls and to appoint a new leadership. ‘The Barbarians are at the Gates’ led by none other then the avenging DSAI and his hordes of opportunists and radicals, capitalizing on the disastrous designs and actions by the incompetent SIL and the 1st family.

  1. AAB continues his daydreaming believing he still has the popular support and the charismatic leadership to effectively challenge any invading hordes in the changed political landscape or battlefields

On the micro level, it’s about

  1. SIL, desperately grasping for breath, sees his once dominant grip in politics surely slipping by the day. He therefore summons his bunch of Pariahs (advisers) and create more havoc on the ground with the stupidest believe he is helping his father in law.

  1. With the pillars of fear (to speak out) gradually collapsing, UMNO’s ablest generals and warlords together with their legionnaires are finally coming to terms with realities of the imminent and long term wars ahead.

As the clamor for ‘relevance’ builds, they sensed they must remain unite under a (new) strong leadership, reassess their dress code and conduct whist developing comprehensive multi-pronged strategies in winning back support and to finally put a break to the collapsing realities on the political landscape/ battlefield. Foremost, the enemy or enemies within the party must be identified and eliminated.

But then again there are those in high positions who live and strive on gross deception and manipulation, pretending all is well and good, surviving for their personal benefit rather than for the party and nation. The culture of respecting the elders and leaders which is so deeply entrenched in our Asian society is being tested to the fullest.

Who dares to be the ‘Brutus of UMNO’ and who will be hailed the new ‘Caesar of UMNO’ are on many people’s lips.

  1. The carpetbaggers watch; they wait patiently yet anxiously for the right time to reap the spoils of war. The peace loving people of Malaysia too wait anxiously for the outcome of the looming battles and wars hoping their livelihood will be improved, if not spared, by the people they elect.


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