Sunday, April 27, 2008

Expose War Crimes: Criminalize War

The following is my comments on the subject matter found at

"As always, Tun delivered an excellent speech which this time round

- in defense of those who innocently suffer daily from the ramifications of present day wars;

- that those “war criminals” who hypocritically crusades in the name of Greater Freedom and Liberty in the world would be disgusted to listen; Tun continues to be a “marked” statesman of his perpetual enemies at the international level who in the name of global peace and freedom continuously and viciously rape and plunder the world’s resources for their personal gains

- his historical enemies in his own country will still refuse and cannot accept Tun for the great man he is

Thus in that country that advocates freedom of speech, “scores of Malaysians and non-Malaysians were left stranded outside the Imperial College when they were barred from entering the hall” reported the Star. Who’s responsible? These are indeed the works of “scavengers” who fear the Tun to speak his mind without fear and favor. I wonder what would have the turn been out if he would have given such speech at Hyde Park.

Syabas again, Tun."

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