Thursday, April 17, 2008

Permuafakatan Melayu – UMNO’S PREDICAMENT

Questions and Answers

(see note 1 on definition of Ketuanan Melayu)

1. Malaysia Today: “Talk of Malays losing their political power gaining momentum, Umno politicians are not ruling out a merger, alliance or some form of cooperation with their long-time nemesis”

Berita Harian: “UMNO – PAS – PKR akan bincang pertahan hak Melayu”.

Well, well, well what happened to UMNO’s political leadership in the context of Malay unity and who’s responsible for UMNO to be led rather than taking the lead. Who in UMNO should shoulder the blame? PM, of course and what did Berita Harian front page to-day 16 April 2008 read ‘Bantu Abdullah penuhi segala janji kepada rakyat’. Janji apa lagi, his ‘janji to the rakyat’ may not sync in line with ‘Ketuanan Melayu’, the essence of UMNO.

Lets just look at two of his janji-janji

a) Converts to Islam to inform family (what a Booboo?) Read my previous posting - PM’s Big Boboo

b) Indications of changes to come for the Judiciary

According to Malaysia Today recently, “the PM had raised three major points starting with the ‘misuse’ of power by Tun Mahathir while he was Prime Minister.

"If the matter needs to be investigated then it will be done." Is a statement that indicates possible future actions against his opponents within UMNO?

Future actions could involve the opening of cases that are piling up against Tun Mahathir in the country’s courts. The Prime Minister also said the judiciary was not trusted by locals and foreign investors, possibly linking the rot in the judiciary system with the misuse of power by former leaders of the party and of the country”

PM’s sincerity in changing judicial legislations:

i) When has ever the ‘rot’ in the judiciary with the misuse of power by former leaders of the party and of the country been linked with the investment climate? Can such linkage be measured, by how much %? Maybe Albert Einstein could come out with the formula but in decision making, investors may be willing to take a higher risk on ‘despotic’ nations like Malaysia if peace and stability prevails. The last time foreigners deserted Malaysia and became revengeful on the Government was when its currency was fixed during the 97 financial crisis. Malaysians who are not ‘mudah lupa’ would well remember that the steps then were necessary to protect the country’s premier assets from being plagued by foreign ‘barbarians at the gates’. Though the local market subsequently lagged behind others in the region, confidence slowly returned. Now post GE 12, foreign funds, concerned the weak Government and political instability again deserted the local exchange. It’s funny that now PM wants to put the blame on this invisible linkage on the inadequacies of our judicial system. That’s pure RUBBISH and PIG HEADED except for scavengers like George Soros.

ii) What are those cases piling up against TDM and who brought them up? So like Saddam Hussien, PM and interested parties (an orgy of unlikely bed partners) want to have TDM tried for misuse of power in the past.

Well we all know so well that Saddam was tried by those Shites who became the pariahs of the United States and the dire consequences on Iraq after 5 years – annihilation under the name of Greater Freedom of an illegal war conducted under the pretext of destroying weapons of mass destruction. Indeed Saddam was hailed a hero among the Sunnis while George Bush and his Coalition of the Willing suffered much humiliation; that’s Almighty verdict and now at the end of his presidency, Bush stands alone as among the worst US president in history while all his associates have been dethroned one by one. Now look at the pariahs’ who are fully supporting PM in his on-going personal fight with TDM; people like Param Cumaraswamy, VK Lingam, Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang and the many Malaysian Malaysia, ANNUAR IBRAHIM and his band of Ketuanan Rakyats and of course the baruas of PM and the 1st family, in this case particularly Zaid Ibrahim. Ahh…… and yes we must not forget to include George Soros, the US administration, Isreal and the many hungry and angry hedge funds.

Malaysians recognized and saluted the leadership and statesmanship of TDM in pulling the country out of the 97 financial crisis- is it a question of “Malaysians muda lupa???”

iii) Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Dato Zaid Ibrahim's had called for the Government to apologise for the action taken against Tun Salleh Abbas whilst bringing out again certain public outcry on wrong doings of TDM. Finally the Government announced its refusal to apologise and Zaid Ibrahim had to walk with his tail between his legs

BUT there’s a juicier twist to the Tun Salleh Abbas story that goes as follows

“Kamaluddin was said to influence his father, the PM, to revive the status of Tun Salleh Abas as an arrangement to please the CEO of Scomi, Shah Hakim Zain perhaps to keep certain secrets. Shah Hakim is the son in law to Tun Salleh Abas. As such, the issue of Tun Salleh Abas was revived to assist PM in his efforts to help his son and the CEO of Scomi”.

If indeed there is truth in this story, why not publicise these connections in the national papers or the newsletter of the Bar Council, let the populace be aware of the independence of 1st family in the Tun Salleh Abbas revival. So as usual the truth may not necessary be what the eyes and ears perceive and all that looks straight may actually be crooked, real crooked.

Latest: While the Government had agreed not to apologise on the Tun Salleh case, it was also reported that the Government would make amends. So to-night Thursday 18 April 2008, the Government will sponsor a special dinner hosted by the Bar Council where PM will deliver a special address entitled “Delivering Justice, Renewing Trust”. Tun Salleh Abas will be at the dinner together with Datuk George Seah and representatives of family members of the other 4 Federal Court judges who were suspended in 1988. Also at the dinner will be de facto Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim who is said to have been instrumental in having the dinner organized (yeah who else would be the ball licker). If the rumours are correct, the government will pay back wages and reinstate the full pension of each of the judges who were sacked or suspended in 1988. For former Lord President Tun Salleh Abas and Federal Court brothers – Datuk George Seah and the late Tan Sri Wan Sulaiman – the compensation could reach RM1 million each. I assume the excellent food for the night will be specially flown directly by Air Asia from the Aborigines Kitchen in Australia.

I wonder how the Bar Council would look at the relationships between the 1st family and Tun Salleh Abas and of course on the preferential selection of Zaid Ibrahim as law minister and his immediate call on the case concerned. I guess for the self interests of the Bar Council, they would rather shut their eyes or not bothered. Thus, one then wonders at the possible conspiracy behind Tun Salleh’s revival and the so-called independence of the judiciary. They all look like a pack of angry and hungry wolves on the main stage as they feast tonight at prime time!!!

From the above, it’s most noticeable that both PM’s janji-janji are but a waste of the country’s resources, time and effort, immaturely and insincerely initiated and full of dendam using federal funds while the grounds swell unabatedly for the PM to throw in his towel.

2. Utusan Malaysia: “Don’t let it be that over power, Malay leaders of different political leanings are willing to disregard the interest of their own race and religion...If the Malay leaders love their race, they should begin negotiations to unite our people for the sake of the dignity and supremacy of the Malays"

What say the PM, his fight to stay in power is for the sustenance of the 1st family which is over and above that of his race and religion, is his conscious very clear, He is still Mr. Clean, right? Why should his party UMNO, the defender of Malay rights, begin negotiations with other Malay leaders? Why are these Malay NGO’s or other Malay leaders calling for such revival when his leadership purport to have a strong and clear mandate (2/3 short of 8) to rule? Nay, while the situation is truly critical, PM and his stooges are helpless, too weak and immature to contain the restlessness and uncertainty prevailing among the Melayu which sooner than later is expected to worsen into one big mess.

3. The Regent of Kelantan Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra:To unite the Malays need to be given priority over everything else because the special position of the Malays and Islam was being challenged”.

So what’s PM’s talk, where is he when the special position of the Malays and Islam is being challenged? Is the PM’s priority still to do “many things that need to be done like restoring judicial power, religious freedom etc…..’ And yes, keeping ‘berdalih untuk berundur dan hanya pergi bila sedia’ blatantly rejecting the numerous direct calls for him to step down soonest. Yeah, even Royalties despise his weaknesses; their peace and care for their constituents has been shattered by his carelessness and the stupidity of his closest advisers. We always look at precedence and by that score, unfortunately, PM has horribly failed; I have little faith in him genuinely coming to dire assistance of the Malay population FULL STOP.

4. Umno Veterans Association Tan Sri Tajuddin Ali: Confident that any attempts to call for a vote of no-confidence against Abdullah would be futile. “We have 100% support for Abdullah. I have got the mandate from Umno veterans that he must stand firm and never be shaken by anybody,” he said, adding that all that have happened to Umno are "mere hiccups which can be cured with a good medicine".

Understand what’s this skunk of a veteran is talking about? Look at 1, 2 & 3, are they symptoms of "mere hiccups which can be cured with a good medicine"? Well I guess Tan Sri is a doctor like TDM but with a big difference - not authorized to give any specific prescription. Perhaps Tan Sri and his group and the likes are already old, well to do and have nothing to loose. Not like many of us when time is the essence and where our kids’ future is at stake.

5. Malaysiakini: “Kampong Baru hails ‘ketuanan rakyat’”.

Fantastic - on Black 14, DSAI as the prime minister in waiting, pronounced his now famous agenda, ‘Ketuanan Rakyat’, meaning he’s discarded ‘Ketuanan Melayu’. The 20,000 crowd present cheered at that pronouncement but one wonders whether the said (majority) Malay crowd understood its ramifications.

As in 1, 2 and 3 above, the Malays in general are genuinely concern about the well being of their race and religion coming under threat post GE 12, genuine because the non-Malays particularly the chauvinist DAP now control Perak, Penang, Selangor and the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. Perak and Selangor have majority Malay constituents. In these states, the interest of the DAP comes foremost while those of PAS and PKR comes secondary, all supposedly undertaken in the best interest of rakyat by the new alliance called Pakatan Rakyat.

Lets be realistic about the display of the chauvinist party’s agenda illustrated below immediately upon coming into power

i) NEP no longer prevails, a new affirmative policy to all races in need of assistance (which by the way is consistent with PKR’s Ketuanan Rakyat)

ii) The Pig Issue (update: some sources indicated that the original project cost of RM100M has escalated to RM485M, wow that’s high, what’s the commission like?)

iii) The Proposed Issuance of titles to new villagers in Perak which 85% beneficiaries are supposedly non-Melayu.

iv) More new projects in line which will illustrate the long time hidden agenda of the DAP’s slogan of “Malaysian Malaysia”. Don’t be surprise if new townships are designed and architected in form and substance that of the chauvinist party’s identity; the many Muslim type architecture we see to-day will be thrown into the dustbin. Throw in a university open for that particular race and the DAP will have a field day. Whatever it will be, PAS and PKR are expected to give support to DAP’s agenda in the larger interest of the alliance (will they?).

Now where’s PM, still having a deep sleep, while the other Malay leaders and their NGO’s are calling for Malay unity? Ahh…..maybe he has let his SIL covertly take the lead. Let’s look at the UMNO-PAS-PKR proposed discussion in the making. On UMNO’s side is Mohamad Norza Zakaria, PKR is led by Azmin Ali and on the PAS side is Salahuddin Ayub. Are they closely associated in any way with ANNUAR IBRAHIM and or SIL?

Immediately after the GC 12 results, there were initiations to come to some sort of loose coalition between UMNO and PAS to form the respective state governments, however a former close associate of DSAI in the PAS leadership rejected the proposal. PKR is DEFINITELY not a Malay organization thus cannot truly stand up for the Malays. Although a major part of its members are young Melayu, a good number of its members and leaders are Non-Melayu. Why does the AMT UMNO Norza want to start discussions as initial steps to ‘understand each other's sensitivities’ on a ‘just fact-finding’ mission with Azmin Ali when PKR’s agenda clearly stated ‘keadilan sesama Melayu dan kaum-kaum lain? No way will PKR desert its agenda; it tantamount to suicidal and bad for the image of the PM in waiting. Incredible, AMT Norza cannot appreciate the opponents’ philosophies and objectives, no wonder BN lost 10 out of 11 seats in Wilayah. Incredible too that AMT Norza admitted that the politicizing Malay issues had affected Umno's performance in the March 8 election; I disagree, because the fault is not politicizing Malay issues but how to politicize it, always remember UMNO has and always survived on racial based politics and thus it can never survive if it were to change its platform similar to that of PKR. I wonder then the true purpose of AMT Norza wanting to connect with the PKR and PAS.

However, I would not be surprised that AMT Norza would have got his instructions from SIL who, now in political limbo within UMNO, is looking for some form of relationship or compromise to be crystallized with the prime minister in waiting in rejuvenating his haprak political ambitions. It’s an accepted fact that SIL does not have a place in UMNO anymore without his father’s patronage; he’s good as dead meat. In respect to PAS, the Islamic based party should similarly be aware of PKR’s national objectives which, although respecting the rights of the Melayu as enshrined in the constitution, assures similar assertive rights of the other races. PKR’s thin line with the rights of the other races could merely a (temporary) deception ploy which if swayed, would be disastrous to its leadership. Perhaps PAS and PKR are at their limits from the blunt and aggressive initiations of the DAP which is hijacking its own agenda within the framework of the loose alliance, causing restlessness and rumblings at their own party supporters. Some sort of Malay alliance (although denied by AMT Norza) could be a possible way out for these two parties in consolidating their newly gained voter support. In addition, PKR has also a higher agenda which is to placate the prime minister in waiting to that highest echelon of power….Ugh…I hope UMNO MT is not that dumb.

UMNO’s strength weakens by the day as long as PM stays, that’s also an accepted perception. The anticipated discussion between UNO-PAS-PKR could initiate another conspiracy theory, that PM is prolonging his stay primarily to complete one unfinished business ie finding the opportunity of a new life and purpose in politics for the SIL. No wonder again, his proposed uncompleted tasks fall in line with the ‘Malaysian Malaysia’/ Ketuanan Rakyat agendas where he finds good support from all those tyrants who had always hated TDM as well as the Malay agenda. It seems the more precarious is UMNO’s position, the more relevance the SIL is. What a joke!

Some how or other, I would trust PAS many more times over PKR. If deemed most necessary, I look towards a beneficial arrangement between UMNO and PAS for the betterment of the Malays and Religion. UMNO must never dirty its hands with PKR.

My conclusions on the subject matter

i. The move for Permuafakatan Melayu is excellent for race based politics. Malays need to be reminded of the dangers they face as a race and of their religion in these troubled times. The impact on globalization and the demands of the international community has to come second. The survival of the Malays and their religion is priority; in fact Islam should come first.

The Malays are already opening up their eyes and while watching, they will evaluate the immediate and long term benefits under Pakatan Rakyat which presently comes under the thumbs of the DAP.

The move will entrench the importance of Ketuanan Melayu which many Malays may have forgotten due to the prosperity enjoyed during the good many years. The Malays will reflect at the various institutions that had set up for their benefit and would want their children, grand, grand grand children etc to enjoy so.

ii. The move is not in the best interest of UMNO as other Malay NGOs has shown their leadership during this crisis. UMNO would have lost some or concede much of its power as the defender of the Malays. If UMNO does not recover soon, it will share the same fate like the Sick Man of Europe.

iii. PM will of course deny that such move as necessary as it will blow up his weaknesses while denying his SIL a possible a rebirth in politics. Thus the present leadership should be forced to quickly make way and a new and relevant UMNO be established. When that time comes, all elements of SIL and DSAI must be eliminated or expunged. To be hard is necessary for the long term survival of the Melayu and UMNO and for UMNO to again play its traditional and dominant role. UMNO must be cleansed, all internal enemies check mate and remake itself relevant again.

iv. The more amplified the call for Ketuanan Melayu, the faster will be the death of Ketuanan Rakyat and of PKR. There is no way the bulk of the Malays will accept the abandonment of their special rights and status of Islam.

Let the prime minister in waiting dream on permanently and for those who advocate ‘Malaysian Malaysia/ KETUANAN RAKYAT’ – DREAM ON.



1. Ketuanan Melayu or Malay Supremacy in this context means that political powers reside with the Malays. Thus with the dominant role in Malaysian politics, the Malays with its special rights enshrined in the constitution, is expected to take the lead in governing the country while safeguarding the interests and well being of all communities as has been the case since Independence. Ketuanan Melayu is never meant to belittle the other races that the Malays are superior to them. Ketuanan Melayu is meant to pride the Malays to stand on equal platform with other races of the world. The call for Ketuanan Melayu is usually to remind the Malays to be united in protecting their roots, culture and history.

2. There are perpetual and acute difficulties faced by the Malays to compete on the same level playing field against the other races in certain major business sectors. Illustrations of true cases or precedents of the Malay entrepreneurs should provide justification for the continuance of the assertive policy for the benefit of the Malays. As a consequence, it’s a pity that the Malays have to continue relying on the Government for business. It has never been easy for the Malays to penetrate certain sectors due being tightly controlled/ domination by the non-Malays ever since the past decades and you don’t expect them to ease. In Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and the Philippines, the story is the same. Perhaps with such illustrations/ demonstrations, the population is reminded of the continuing shortfalls of the Malays and thus the need of continuing the assertive social policy and the urgent call of Ketuanan Melayu at times of political and economic uncertainties.


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